New to AD


New Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Hey everyone! My name is Samantha and I'm brand new to alldeaf. I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a few things about myself and why I decided to join alldeaf. I hear and I'm a speech major at Kean University in NJ and I'm currently taking ASL. I'm very interested in learning more about your community and I figured this would be the best way to do it. My ASL instructor is deaf and she is really opening my eyes to the deaf culture and how it works. I know very little right now so if I say something wrong or inappropriate please DO NOT hesitate to tell me. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone here. My main purpose for joining this site is to gain insight on your culture and learn as much as I can. I really think this will help me in my scholastic endeavors. I hope to get to know many of you. Thanks for having me on your site. :ty:
How are all of you doing today? Tell me something about yourselves. I want to make conversation.
How are all of you doing today? Tell me something about yourselves. I want to make conversation.

I'm hearing, and have been signing since 2006. I'm not a student (although i did take some sign classes in the past) and have no deaf relatives. I just love the language. :)
I'm hearing, and have been signing since 2006. I'm not a student (although i did take some sign classes in the past) and have no deaf relatives. I just love the language. :)

That's really great. I feel like more people should do that. It's a rather large step towards integration of the hearing and Deaf communities.
That's really great. I feel like more people should do that. It's a rather large step towards integration of the hearing and Deaf communities.

I'm having a hard time imagining the hearing and deaf communities "integrating". There are some very challenging barriers to true integration. I have sat in a room with my family (people who totally accept me) and felt excluded. I would settle for more inclusion, understanding, compassion, and perhaps a little wisdom.

as for tricks... check this: What does, "Hey,Hows Tricks?" mean? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I just put dough in the bread maker. Did you know deaf people make bread? Well, at least me. lol
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I just put dough in the bread maker. Did you know deaf people make bread? Well, at least me. lol

Nice deaf people invite others to eat their homemade bread. :D :wave: