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New Member
Aug 26, 2006
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Hi my name is amanda. I have been hard of hearing all my life . Slowly going deaf .The only way I can hear anything is with hearing aides and sometimes the people I live with get frustrated with re peating themselves all the time . I don't consirder my deafness a disability rather a gift . I became deaf at 1 month of age from menagitist and since my hearing has become bad . I get through day to day events . but it seems nobody expect maybe the people on this site will understand what I go through . I'm here for support and friendship. Only the deaf community which I have no connection with understands and thats why I'm here .
Welcome to AD deal with your deafness... get involved in the deaf community in your area or nearby... learn ASL...
Welcome to AD.. This is a wonderful place to talk to deaf people. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us.. Happy posting away!!! :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Hope you'll find the kind of support and understanding here in AD as well as to be able to enjoy your stay also!

Have a great day! :wave:

:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf amanda!! You will find this forum very enjoyable, as well as so many understanding members who know your feelings. So, just have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!