New here - ?'s about CI's


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Just started researching CI's and apologize in advance for asking questions that have probably already been asked (and answered) many times here.

My left ear is profoundly deaf as a result of SSHL 3 years ago. It also has Meniere's disease that has destroyed the balance function as well.

Right ear has severe hearing loss in low frequencies that gets worse in higher frequencies. Meniere's as well in that ear.

I have a Widex Inteo BTE HA for the right ear that allows me to carry on a conversation with someone as long as they are within about 6 feet of me, I can see their face and it's relatively quiet in the area. Other than that, everything is a distorted jumble. Crowds, restaurants, TV, radio - forget it.

Does anyone know if I would likely be a viable candidate for a CI in my left ear as I still retain 'serviceable' hearing in the right (as poor as it is)?


It does sound like you'd be a candidate for the implant based on your severe-profound hearing loss levels. Find a CI center close to you and get evaluated. Then they'll tell you if you are indeed a candidate or not, answer any questions you may have, discuss options, etc.
Is your profound ear "deep profound" and pretty much unaidable?
I think I remember reading that they were using CI to treat /"cure" Meniere's
I know you can qualify if you have less then 60% speech perception with an aid....and maybe with the Meniere's that might make you a shoo in. Definitly go and see a CI center!
As I understand Profound Hearing Loss-80 to 90 decibel loss is the "last category" to deafness-105 decibels. That what I was for 15 years-left ear. Lost all hearing in Right ear Feb/92. Actually became deaf on December 20, 2006.
The other question is one's physical health- can you survive a 3 hour operation? Also, the cost of an Implant-who pays?
Questions to consider.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony Atria activated Aug/07
I agree, getting to a CI centre to get evaluated is probably a good idea. Oh, and welcome to the forum!! ^_^