New here and I am getting CI.

This is definitely a good idea. Actually, sometimes they'll give you an anxiolytic - Xanax, Versed, and Valium are all common ones - which not only sedates you, but also makes you less anxious (hence the name) and might make you less likely to remember the hour or two after you take it. At least, not as clearly.

I was offered an anxiolytic multiple times before my last surgery; I declined (I wanted to remember the pre- and post- surgery - I'm weird that way), but my anaesthesiologist really encouraged me to take it!

During my pre-op appointment (for both CIs) I requested that I be given a sedative before being wheeled to the OR. (I have bad memories of the OR due to several unsuccessful eye surgeries as a child.) I was given Valium before both of my CI surgeries and it worked great. I was also put to sleep right before I was wheeled into the OR. It only took 2-3 seconds before I was out like a light. :)
This is definitely a good idea. Actually, sometimes they'll give you an anxiolytic - Xanax, Versed, and Valium are all common ones - which not only sedates you, but also makes you less anxious (hence the name) and might make you less likely to remember the hour or two after you take it. At least, not as clearly.

I was offered an anxiolytic multiple times before my last surgery; I declined (I wanted to remember the pre- and post- surgery - I'm weird that way), but my anaesthesiologist really encouraged me to take it!

I was given Versed right before I was wheeled into the operating room. It put me out like a light!
I was also put to sleep right before I was wheeled into the OR. It only took 2-3 seconds before I was out like a light. :)

I was conscious in the OR as they were setting up for my mastoidectomy, and I distinctly remember breathing in the gas, and noticing that the guy who was putting in my IV looked young (he was being supervised by the anaesthesiologist). He had some trouble, and it took a few tries to find a vein, which is not uncommon (I have small ones). I was too out of it to say anything, but I gave him this look of "are you sure you know what you're doing?" and seconds later, passed out. Later, his supervisor told me it was the funniest patient reaction he'd ever seen.
I was conscious in the OR as they were setting up for my mastoidectomy, and I distinctly remember breathing in the gas, and noticing that the guy who was putting in my IV looked young (he was being supervised by the anaesthesiologist). He had some trouble, and it took a few tries to find a vein, which is not uncommon (I have small ones). I was too out of it to say anything, but I gave him this look of "are you sure you know what you're doing?" and seconds later, passed out. Later, his supervisor told me it was the funniest patient reaction he'd ever seen.

I was conscious in the OR as they were setting up for my mastoidectomy, and I distinctly remember breathing in the gas, and noticing that the guy who was putting in my IV looked young (he was being supervised by the anaesthesiologist). He had some trouble, and it took a few tries to find a vein, which is not uncommon (I have small ones). I was too out of it to say anything, but I gave him this look of "are you sure you know what you're doing?" and seconds later, passed out. Later, his supervisor told me it was the funniest patient reaction he'd ever seen.

lmao.. thats funny!

5 day's to operation...

26 days (?) to a mindblowing experience!!!!

Time will go slloowwllyy!!

Go get them!
I believe that Feb 26th is the day i get my CI turn on!

3 more days left!!! :eek2: :run: