New! hello


New Member
Aug 2, 2007
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Hi! I'm a 26 year old HOH person living in Kansas. I have 2 kids and an awesome partner. I'm interested in radical politics (or lack of) and the do-it-yourself lifestyle.

I was raised mainstreamed and had minimal exposure to Deaf Culture - I'm lucky I had any at all. I learned ASL but haven't had any regular practice in 10 years so I'm so out of practice. Looking to brush up my skills so I can teach my (hearing) family and share with my friends, and also to get better acquainted with Deaf and other HOH folks.

My mother always told me she tried to give me the best of both worlds (Hearing & Deaf) but, instead, I have always felt like I don't belong in either. This is the first attempt I'm making to try and get around that.

welcome to ALL deaf! I am sure you will feel more comforable when you enter in the deaf world once again... the best thing, HAVE FUN! :D
Welcome to AD! come back often. Do you think of going to any deaf events around you to sharpen your ASL; probably best way to do that.
Sure, think about it a lot, but I'm not sure how to get into it. I never see anything for Deaf events. There's a state school for the Deaf about 30 miles away, but I don't have a car, so that presents a challenge too.

Thanks for the welcomes!
:welcome: Ms Amy & family. Please say "Hey" to Toto.

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! I've been down that road myself, now that I have the 'best' of both worlds AND with my kind (HoH) has been going really well and hope the very same for you as well, also, enjoy your stay here in AD! :)
