New girl from California!

Abelusca: They moved because their dad is full norwegian and their mom is full romanian, so they all moved to norway
Never :P The only countries I've been to are Canada and Mexico..and obviously America since i live in california :P this summer i am going to Africa, Belgium and France though :D
Uaaaaaaaauuuuu! So nice! I want to Africa!
What you do here? Mission or a new job for you?
Right now, I am going to school to become a nurse. I hope to work in a hospital in France one day. In Romania, is there a different sign language than in America?
Right now, I am going to school to become a nurse. I hope to work in a hospital in France one day. In Romania, is there a different sign language than in America?

Depends on word,it's big difference language.
For example: thank you it's similar,and a good few:hmm: