new from new jersey

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Wow, you have a lots of ADers on your side. Great! I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
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Bottesini said:
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Awww hers is grey white and a little brown so cute
How old is ur dog?

She is 5. I also have a 9 year old Poodle and a 6 year old Pekingese and he is deaf.

Awww that's awesome.
Does he understand sign language
Commands? Just curious :)
Are you deaf?
Wirelessly posted

Bebonang said:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Wow, you have a lots of ADers on your side. Great! I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

Thank you :) and I more then enjoy it so far
I love it. See ya around
Philadelphia - a lot of deaf people live there, I am sure there are Deaf Coffee Social, Deaf Night Out somewhere in Philly.
Wirelessly posted

authentic said:
Philadelphia - a lot of deaf people live there, I am sure there are Deaf Coffee Social, Deaf Night Out somewhere in Philly.

Yeah I found one over there and one
In new jersey.
Hopefully I can attend one next month
After I get a couple hundred more word
Under my belt. And get better
At reading other peoples fingerspelling
I'm not too good at that yet.
Wirelessly posted

Awww that's awesome.
Does he understand sign language
Commands? Just curious :)
Are you deaf?

Yes I am. Yes he does understand my signs. He is a very smart little dog. And a good dog too. :)
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
Wirelessly posted

Awww that's awesome.
Does he understand sign language
Commands? Just curious :)
Are you deaf?

Yes I am. Yes he does understand my signs. He is a very smart little dog. And a good dog too. :)

Oh ok that is so cool. I'm still
A baby to signing but I love it already