New From Canada!


New Member
Feb 7, 2012
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Hi my name is Angel and Im hard of hearing...

You would had never guess i am hard of hearing because my speech is perfect but get this....i didnt even talk til i was 5 years old! After that i had embarassing speech therapy for 8 years.

I used to be embarrassed about how i cant hear like everyone else but it looks like im not the only one and im feeling tht much better about it.

Its nice to meet youall! :)
I also was born HOH and had speech therapy. Never really was embarrassed by it. I did get teased from time to time about my speech and wearing hearing aids. I still speak and use my voice to this day with out being ashamed to do so. I also Sign.

Welcome to A.D.
I'm Canadian too, hearing but going to school to become an interpreter. I'm in Ontario :)
Hopefully you will soon get over your embarassment.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I live here in Ontario for almost 17 years, but I was born and raised in United States.

If you can not hear your voice, then you might have deaf accent like I have. I talk funny but almost all hearing people said that my voice is not funny and said that the way I speak is perfect. I looked at them strangely because my niece took the home movie having me talk to someone when I spoke. I was shocked to hear with my hearing aid that I really do talk funny like deaf accent. Don't believe what hearing people say. They just want you to talk instead of signing so that they don't have to work on learning how to sign. Speaking is easier. Yeah, right (sarcasm). :roll: