Never ever declaw a cat...

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I'm sure there are humane ways to declaw a cat. You should only declaw the front and not the back claws. If you declaw the back claws then the cat will have no way to defend itself incase it gets outside and into a fight.

How do they really defend themselves with only back feet?

The cats use their claws and teeth to defend themselves and to fight, not just back feet.
I am actually very much against declawing cats, but with my cat I had no choice. When my cat cuddles with me, he likes to dig behind my head. When he did this, he would leave scratch marks all over my scalp, neck and my ear. I gave him 6 months to learn not to do so. The final draw was when he got deep into my ear and manage to scratch the ear canal.

I choose to get his front claws declawed because he wouldn't learn and stop. To this day I am glad I did so because he still does dig. I no longer have claw marks all over my scalp, neck and ear.

He's had no health problems due to being declawed. Nor has my roommate's cat. They are both perfectly healthy cats.

So as for declawing cats. It's a personal choice. It's a choice that everyone should seriously sit down and debate on weither it's good for both the cat and you. Give the cat time to learn to stop a certain behavior you don't want them to do.

Yes, my all cats did the same... Example - They used their claws when they sat on my lap... I said to them NO... they ignored me so I took them off from my lap to let them know that they should leave me alone... They also scratch my back when they climbed up to my shoulder... They doesn´t mean to scratch to hurt me but want to defend themselves from fall down ... I told them NO... Ooccchhh... I removed them off... They know that I don´t like it when I refused to cuddle them or let them to sit on my lap for few days... They knew that I don´t like and they use without their claws when they jumped on my lap and sleep... but gentle claws to make themselves comfortable. If anyone who want to become cat owner then they need to search to find out how/what they take care of them before adopt them.

I respect your opinion but I would like to ask you a question. I hope you don´t mind.

Accord your post, Is it punishment to declaw your cat that´s because he do not listen you for long 6 months? Right?
This is kinda harsh quote from website.

I don´t agree that it´s harsh but fact which is good education for us.

Personally, there are pro and con and it is depending upon you and your cat.

Depend on your good patience to train your pet in postive way.

All I can say is find a way to prevent the furniture but at least 85 percent of cats still think furniture is their way of marking their "MY OWN!" on furniture which is common happen in America's household.

common? Your description sound that they unaware how to take care of their pets or train their pets to do or not do that.

I would advise the pet owners to search first how to take care of their future pets and train them before adopt them.

Declaw are being banned in many countries in the world including Germany.

It´s not hard to train cats to scratch on the scratching posts. If you decide to adopt the kitten then prepare the scratching posts in your household before bring new kitten home. You can train your children to do or not do that... It does the same with pets as well.
Yes, the posters from several forums said the same thing what you said here when I asked them for their cons/pros feedback over soft paws because it´s new to me. After received their most negative feeback, I check with my Vet on this and want to know why we don´t have any soft paws here in Germany. Her replied is: Why soft paws for? I was like ooohhhhh... just wondering... She asked: What´s wrong with train cat to scratch on the scratching post like what we did train our children to not do that.... It belongs good patience. I was like yeah...

I'm not surprised that their cats did the exactly same thing cause ALL of my cats did too but not Luckystar cause she was declawed when she was a kitten so she hasn't wored them, I thought maybe one would do it, but nope. I honestly don't know why they call it " soft paws " but they're not soft as I thought they were, they're plastic...we had to glue them into their claws and it was very frustrated trying to put them on each claw, they kept moving around like crazy...LOL
This is kinda harsh quote from website. Personally, there are pro and con and it is depending upon you and your cat. I don't follow what website said because Angel's cats are doing fine without claw. I really know this is biggest debate. If you don't like declaw the cat. Use it for outside or don't get it at all. If you like cats to be indoor and want to save furniture but don't want to declaw it. All I can say is find a way to prevent the furniture but at least 85 percent of cats still think furniture is their way of marking their "MY OWN!" on furniture which is common happen in America's household.

:ty: VanG and I agreed...
I noticed some of you tried to compare declaw cats with neuter/spaying and vaccines which I respectfully disagreed.

I can't even believe that you can compare neuter/spaying, vaccines with declaw. I am trying to be polite to make my post here to aviod drama.

First of all, neuter/spaying and vaccines are not amputation but clean procedure.

The cats are being force/punish to declaw because they damaged their owners´furniture or scratch them... It look like a punishment to me. (IMO).

I would compare cat declaw with human finger tips, not Neuter/spaying and vaccines. Is it okay to cut human´s finger tips that´s because they scratch you or damage your furniture? What´s wrong to train human and animal to not do that?

Neuter/spaying and vaccines issues are not the same thing as declaw issues.
I'm not surprised that their cats did the exactly same thing cause ALL of my cats did too but not Luckystar cause she was declawed when she was a kitten so she hasn't wored them, I thought maybe one would do it, but nope. I honestly don't know why they call it " soft paws " but they're not soft as I thought they were, they're plastic...we had to glue them into their claws and it was very frustrated trying to put them on each claw, they kept moving around like crazy...LOL

not soft paw but plastic... :eek3:

glue "soft paw" into their claws? GLUE???? It sound toxic to me? I thought "soft paw" is like gloves and do itself automaic after try to wear "gloves" on their claw.
not soft paw but plastic... :eek3:

glue "soft paw" into their claws? GLUE???? It sound toxic to me? I thought "soft paw" is like gloves and do itself automaic after try to wear "gloves" on their claw.

I thought the same thing as you did, thinking they were like little mittens so that's why we asked the lady at pet mart if they were soft paws as it said so on the box, and yes it came with small glue tube.. There were others kinds of soft paws too.. Tiger our cat had one of his claw ripped out after he pulled them out from his teeth, so we called the vet about it and she asked us if it was bleeding we didn't see any blood coming out, she said if it gets infected or start bleeding to take him in right away, sometime nail will grow bk which it did a couple weeks later, the vet also suggest us not to use them anymore since cats do rip them out and doesn't stay on longer either...

Sorry I got to go....
Question: Did you have scratching posts for the cats to use? If yes, you keep on let your cats know that scratching posts are only one they are allowing to scratch. You show your cats and add their claws gentle *scratch* *scratch* on scratching post.. then your cats will know that you allow them to scratch on that scratching post.

Just use water spray to let your cats know that you don´t like them scratch your sofa or whatever... or said "NO" with raise voice to them.

My 3 cats like to eat some of plants... I sprayed with water to put them off and know I don´t like them to eat my plants.

Yes, I did several times and tried to training my cats.. seems so strong quite stubborn.. I raised my voice and kept them stop scratching my furnitures.. I encourged them use scratching post. Rest of my Cats think it's boring toy. Ugh.. I gave it up.. I'm glad two cats loves stayed outside of sunroom that where sun rayed on their body... *felt so good*

Saved my bell... Have not gone scratched on my furnitures since a year from now.. I'm glad cats loves stayed sunroom.. which it's great news!
I've had several declawed (front only) indoor cats, and none of them got arthritis, infections, or any other side effects from the procedure. My last kitty died of old age.

Yeah, same here...My dad was a cat lover, especially Siamese
cats and he always had them declawed cuz he wanted to keep
them indoors as he thought they would be healthier if they stayed
indoors. Oh he had them spayed/neutered of course. And they
never got infections, arthritiis or nothing from being declawed, thats
why im so puzzled by this thread about cats getting infections,
deformed or whatever! Wow, thats news to me!

I suspect that maybe some vets may not have done the procedures
correctly or something if declawing didnt go right or something..
it happens. Not all vets are very good, ya know?
I noticed some of you tried to compare declaw cats with neuter/spaying and vaccines which I respectfully disagreed.

I can't even believe that you can compare neuter/spaying, vaccines with declaw. I am trying to be polite to make my post here to aviod drama.

First of all, neuter/spaying and vaccines are not amputation but clean procedure.

The cats are being force/punish to declaw because they damaged their owners´furniture or scratch them... It look like a punishment to me. (IMO).

I would compare cat declaw with human finger tips, not Neuter/spaying and vaccines. Is it okay to cut human´s finger tips that´s because they scratch you or damage your furniture? What´s wrong to train human and animal to not do that?

Neuter/spaying and vaccines issues are not the same thing as declaw issues.

Good reply, Liebling. And polite I think.
Even if some lucky cats does not suffer it's like amputating fingers and hands in a human. Sure it will heal but so what.

Yeah, same here...My dad was a cat lover, especially Siamese cats....
Wow, most of my cats were Siamese or Oriental! Your dad has good taste in cats. :P
... Is it okay to cut human´s finger tips that´s because they scratch you or damage your furniture?
No one in my house has ever scratched my furniture with their nails. How weird. :eek3:

I guess the furniture isn't important; just the carpets, huh? ;)
No one in my house has ever scratched my furniture with their nails. How weird. :eek3:

I guess the furniture isn't important; just the carpets, huh? ;)

Do you mean that the toddlers never damage/mess your furniture? :eek3:

As what you said that the furniture is not important but why declaw the cat for?
My cats have never been declawed.
We have two incredible Tonkinese brothers and I groom them myself. They don't cause any problems with having their nails.
They are so affectionate and need a shoulder hug every now and then. That is when I realize their nails have grown in and then I plan to clip them the next day or so.
Wow, most of my cats were Siamese or Oriental! Your dad has good taste in cats. :P

Oh really!, you love Siamese too?..yes, they are so beautiful
and also very intelligent too, thats why my dad loved Siamese
cats..what point siamese did you have? He had mostly Seal
point, one time he had chocolate point..there are several color know.
My Seal-Point Siamese (Mother & Son) were with me for 23 years and I am so grateful for that.
We then found the Tonkinese breed and these two guys (brothers) are amazing. One is a Platinum Mink with aqua eyes and the other is just Platinum-Point with dark blue eyes.
Do you mean that the toddlers never damage/mess your furniture? :eek3:
What kind of nails did your toddlers have?! Mine never had claws.

As what you said that the furniture is not important but why declaw the cat for?
Cats claw furniture, kids' faces, curtains, toilet paper rolls, human body parts (especially when giving them baths), clothing, table cloths (pulling everything down from the table), door frames, window sills, other cats, dogs, walls, paintings, etc.

You handle it your way, and I'll handle it my way. :)
Oh really!, you love Siamese too?..yes, they are so beautiful
and also very intelligent too, thats why my dad loved Siamese
cats..what point siamese did you have? He had mostly Seal
point, one time he had chocolate point..there are several color know.
Our first one was a male Seal point (a stray that we adopted). Teko.

For a short time, we "fostered" a male Lynx point (striped points) kitten. Ziggy.

Then we adopted a female Blue point. Mirage.

Then we adopted a male Seal point. Taipan (nickname "Sweetpea").

Finally, we adopted a male black Oriental (former show cat). The Orientals have the same fur texture, head, eye and body shape of Siamese; the only difference is that they are solid color, not points. Ninja.

All of those kitties were very smart and affectionate. :)
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