needs a fashion wardrobe update...BADLY!


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Since I'm entering my senior year soon, I want to start off with a wardrobe where It'll help me be motivated for school. I usually wear a t-shirt thats like my band tour shirt or the Dynasty Percussion t-shirt or one of our band sponsors that we get for free from them and a pair of jeans and converse to school.

My mom wants me to stop dressing up like a boy by wearing t-shirts and jeans and converse all the time and dress up more like a girl :lol:

I'm trying to buy cuter clothes, I have mostly American Eagle shirts but not jeans because they don't have my jean size. I'm also trying to lose some weight too. I'm more of a modern, tomboyish, chic kind of girl. My hair is medium sized. I have the Selena Gomez haircut; it looks like this:: selenagomezhaircut.jpg

I don't like skirts. I like to wear mostly jeans or capris. But whenever my mom buys me jeans, she buys them so baggy. And I need some help on how to update my wardrobe. I think it will really help me be motivated for the school year.
What do other kids at your school wear? Your wardrobe now sounds good and practical and also like what most other kids are wearing.
Wear what makes you comfortable being you, not what others (even your mom) wants. :)
What do other kids at your school wear? Your wardrobe now sounds good and practical and also like what most other kids are wearing.

They wear mostly like American Eagle, Hollister, PacSun, you know all the modern things. My mom keeps bugging me about wearing plain t-shirts and jeans with converse because she wants me to look cute i guess.
They wear mostly like American Eagle, Hollister, PacSun, you know all the modern things. My mom keeps bugging me about wearing plain t-shirts and jeans with converse because she wants me to look cute i guess.

Does it really bother her that you are not girly enough? Remind her that you are a TEEN.

I can understand why she wants you to wear baggy jeans. Tight jeans are just too revealing, and she's probably concerned about that.
How tight jeans revealing? These are fine! You fan of Selena Gomez? She dating justin bider, ya know?
If you need to lose a bit of weight, having your jeans a bit loose will look better anyway. Skin-tight makes people look heavier. 'Least that is what MY mom always told me. :D
Does it really bother her that you are not girly enough? Remind her that you are a TEEN.

I can understand why she wants you to wear baggy jeans. Tight jeans are just too revealing, and she's probably concerned about that.

haha my clothes do bother her all the time. She'll complain how she sees dynasty t-shirts all the time in the laundry whenever i'm busy at band rehearsal or at school or homework when i have no time do to my laundry. My mom says she wants me to dress better to attract the boys...and sometimes my dad would complain too.
haha my clothes do bother her all the time. She'll complain how she sees dynasty t-shirts all the time in the laundry whenever i'm busy at band rehearsal or at school or homework when i have no time do to my laundry. My mom says she wants me to dress better to attract the boys...and sometimes my dad would complain too.

Remind them you still have like the next 80 years or so to be dating :P
Have you ever watched "What Not to Wear?" They are really good at keeping someone's lifestyle and preferred way of dressing in mind, but updating it and keeping things fresh.

If you like wearing pants more than skirts, how about looking for jeans that are nicely fitted (i.e, NOT baggy and NOT tight - fitted appropriately), or pants in a good fabric that are cut well, easy to move in, and a step or two up from jeans? It can take a lot of experimenting to find the right cut. Once you do, buy two or three of them in different colors if you can (denim, black and khaki, for instance - those colors will get you through a lot).

Look for simple tops and blazers or jackets that can turn a jean look into something more polished. If you need to lose a little weight, look for blouses that have a couple buttons in back, rather than the style that buttons down the front. Front buttons have a tendency to gap. A smooth line in front is more flattering. Look for V-necks or shaped U-necks to flatter your face.

A scarf or interesting jewelry can make pants and a jacket look more feminine.

Really look at your basic shape. Regardless of your weight, do you have more of an hourglass figure, more of an "apple" shape (waist nearly as big as your bustline), "pear" (smaller waist, hips bigger than bust), or what? There are books at the library about dressing for your shape; you might get some good ideas there.

I wear almost nothing but jeans and t-shirts myself all summer long, and believe me, I'm a lot older than you! So I get where you're coming from on the comfort side of it. School though demands more of you, so it's good that you're looking to upgrade your wardrobe to be more appropriate for that environment.

Have fun with it! Wardrobe shopping can be a good motivator for getting yourself geared up for fall.

Edited to add: Loved the article and picture of you! You look beautiful!!
Have you ever watched "What Not to Wear?" They are really good at keeping someone's lifestyle and preferred way of dressing in mind, but updating it and keeping things fresh.

If you like wearing pants more than skirts, how about looking for jeans that are nicely fitted (i.e, NOT baggy and NOT tight - fitted appropriately), or pants in a good fabric that are cut well, easy to move in, and a step or two up from jeans? It can take a lot of experimenting to find the right cut. Once you do, buy two or three of them in different colors if you can (denim, black and khaki, for instance - those colors will get you through a lot).

Look for simple tops and blazers or jackets that can turn a jean look into something more polished. If you need to lose a little weight, look for blouses that have a couple buttons in back, rather than the style that buttons down the front. Front buttons have a tendency to gap. A smooth line in front is more flattering. Look for V-necks or shaped U-necks to flatter your face.

A scarf or interesting jewelry can make pants and a jacket look more feminine.

Really look at your basic shape. Regardless of your weight, do you have more of an hourglass figure, more of an "apple" shape (waist nearly as big as your bustline), "pear" (smaller waist, hips bigger than bust), or what? There are books at the library about dressing for your shape; you might get some good ideas there.

I wear almost nothing but jeans and t-shirts myself all summer long, and believe me, I'm a lot older than you! So I get where you're coming from on the comfort side of it. School though demands more of you, so it's good that you're looking to upgrade your wardrobe to be more appropriate for that environment.

Have fun with it! Wardrobe shopping can be a good motivator for getting yourself geared up for fall.

My mom always tells me that my waist is small but my thighs are big. I have like a weird shape. And finding jeans that look good on me is kind of hard because of my shape. so my shape might be a "pear" i'm not really quite sure.
Yeah, sounds like it. That's actually the most common shape for women.

So - emphasize your small waist with a nice belt, with blouses or sweaters that are fitted close to your waist but have some volume or details up by the shoulders to balance your hips. Get pants (and skirts, if you buy any) that fit your hips, and have a good tailor take in the waist if you have to.

Avoid things like big pockets sitting on the hips, or ruffles or other details that call attention to the just-below-the-waist area.

You have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair, going by that picture, so you want people's eyes to be directed up, up, up to your face, rather than down to your hips. So that's where a nice scarf or jewelry can come in. A scarf or other top details near your face or shoulders will add some bulk to your upper half to balance out your proportions.
Yeah, sounds like it. That's actually the most common shape for women.

So - emphasize your small waist with a nice belt, with blouses or sweaters that are fitted close to your waist but have some volume or details up by the shoulders to balance your hips. Get pants (and skirts, if you buy any) that fit your hips, and have a good tailor take in the waist if you have to.

Avoid things like big pockets sitting on the hips, or ruffles or other details that call attention to the just-below-the-waist area.

You have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair, going by that picture, so you want people's eyes to be directed up, up, up to your face, rather than down to your hips. So that's where a nice scarf or jewelry can come in. A scarf or other top details near your face or shoulders will add some bulk to your upper half to balance out your proportions.

hmm I might have to take you up on that one. I have a ton of scarfs that i'll sometimes wear during the school year. I got rid of some clothes that don't fit me that much anymore. I have a ton of AE shirts. I have like maybe 1 or 2 shirts that is Moroccan themed (i think) and some graphic shirts
Go shopping. ;-)

Has your mom given you a budget of how much you can spend? Do you know pretty much what you want to keep, what you want to toss, and what you need to buy to fill in the gaps?

Rule of thumb: it's a good idea to look for quality in what you buy, not necessarily quantity. You will have less, but it will look better. Also think about what colors look good on you, and concentrate on those colors. When you buy things, try to stay within a certain color palette for your major things. That way you can stretch your wardrobe, mixing and matching your tops, jackets, and pants/skirts with a lot of variety. For that reason also, be careful with prints on your major pieces, because they can be more limiting.

If you really, really like a few of the scarves you have, look at what colors are in them, and think about why you like them. That might give you a good direction for your shopping.