need parent's of 3-5 yr old opinion.


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Jun 23, 2003
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i would like to have some information and/or opinions.. to be fair to my kid.

since I have a dog (just got a new puppy a yellow lab) and a cat that my girlfriend owns. they both live here.

My son is 4 and half years old.. as you can tell he's into everything.

since the puppy loves to chase over people which my son doesn't like the biting part.. he does like to play with the puppy and the cat. however he doesn't like when the puppy chase over him. i told him that he cannot run. however sometimes he forgots that rule. he runs. i tend to have to put casper (the puppy) in the cage almost everyday.

my question here is....

do you let your kids run in the house?

i also want to have my son to get used to the puppy and not be afraid. in order to do that.. i get the puppy out of the cage.. if she tries to bite his feet where she always bite at. i yelled at the puppy "no" how do you guys think i'm doing doing the right thing. i feel a bit ashamed that i'm moving things too fast in getting a dog when having a son who's 4 1/2.

however other questions i have are not related about the puppy..

do you think its fair to limit the kid to have 1 hour of t.v. time? this is what i do.. meaning.. he can only have 1 hour of t.v. time which includes games, and cartoon. would like to have ur opinion.
i do at times tell him to go play in his room since he's the only child in the house.. am i doing this right?

and one more question..

If a child is doing something bad.. taking away priviliage or giving time-out is the best solution? just need help here :eek:

i just want to be a fair father here. not too strict or too loose. and want to have my son be a kid who he wants to be.

thanks for helping :|
i would like to have some information and/or opinions.. to be fair to my kid.

since I have a dog (just got a new puppy a yellow lab) and a cat that my girlfriend owns. they both live here.

My son is 4 and half years old.. as you can tell he's into everything.

since the puppy loves to chase over people which my son doesn't like the biting part.. he does like to play with the puppy and the cat. however he doesn't like when the puppy chase over him. i told him that he cannot run. however sometimes he forgots that rule. he runs. i tend to have to put casper (the puppy) in the cage almost everyday.

my question here is....

do you let your kids run in the house?

however other questions i have are not related about the puppy..

do you think its fair to limit the kid to have 1 hour of t.v. time? this is what i do.. meaning.. he can only have 1 hour of t.v. time which includes games, and cartoon. would like to have ur opinion.
i do at times tell him to go play in his room since he's the only child in the house.. am i doing this right?

and one more question..

If a child is doing something bad.. taking away priviliage or giving time-out is the best solution? just need help here :eek:

i just want to be a fair father here. not too strict or too loose. and want to have my son be a kid who he wants to be.

thanks for helping :|

My daughter is 4 yrs old. She run around in the house. There is nothing you can do about it. The puppy will chase it. If your son don't want to listen to you. For me, if my daughter does not want to listen. I put her time out in her room. She had to stay there until she stop crying. She realize it why she got time out. She does understand the rule, but kids their age like 3 to 5 yrs old always stubborn and forgetful..
If your son is bored, give him something to do. He may be bored and get more trouble. It is up to you for your son, whatever is it right for you.
If my daughter refuse clean her room and I turn TV off till she clean her room.
If she want go to park, she need to be good. Unless she clean her room. Her room always messy one. If she want snack and she had to eat lunch or dinner first before she eat her snack.
You are parent ,you make the rule for your child. Just make rule, whatever is right for you. It is your choice...
Well, we try not to have my son run around the house, but sometimes, u just can't stop it, just have to force him to listen to the rules. Also, it is wrong to punish the dog for ur son running. You should be sending him to his room or the corner for couple min for running in the house.

Yes, you should limit the TV time. My wife is bad and will allow my son watch tv as long as there is nothing on she like to watch. But it is good idea to have a plan of what too do. Like watch a couple shows then play for a while, then let him watch tv again before he goes to bed. That way, he can relax and calm down before he goes to bed too. Only thing, I try not to have my son play any video games yet. I don't want him to be hooked on them yet.
That's commonly of kids who are under the age of 7 does much of running and jumping, around the house, even my son Jordan still does it, and he's 6. No matter how many times he've been told not to run around the house, it just gives kids plenty of energy skills to use, kids can be very active weather it is outside or inside. Your dog is gotta chase him if your son runs, My dog does the same thing, A puppy likes biting and chewing on almost anything, that just shows how excite the puppy is to have a playmate or have something to play with, What I do when he tries to bite Jordan, I use a spray of water and spray him every time he tries to bite, because Jordan doesn't like it either, and Charlie does intends to stop once I spray him with a bottle of water, and shout out "no biting", or get him a toy to bite on, I always give him a ball to bite on instead of biting on Jordan. It does work, train your dog and he will obey your rules. Good Luck Eric! ;)
First I would like to give you a :hug: and second, welcome to Parenthood DeafSCUBA98 LOL....

Most children are quite physical and needs to do lots of running around but at the same time, they have to realize that running in the house is a big no no because accidents do happen often when children intend to keep running around in the house and they do need to be taught on how to behave in someone's else home or in stores etc in more acceptable way otherwise you don't want to be responable if something breaks in the result of your son running around etc...To discipline means to teach your child between what's right and what's wrong and having a positive discipline is based on understanding child development like what's it is like to be in your child's shoes so instead of telling your son don't run in the house, why not try to tell him to walk in the house, maybe that will get him to start walking instead of running in the house...I often have done that to my three children when they hear me say " Hon walk not run " they look at me and start walking..Also I give them 3 warnings, before I disicpline my children, for example, if one of my children throw a ball in the house, I say " balls are for outside not inside the house ", if he doesn't listen I count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, that will be 1st warning, and if my child doesn't listen and keeps repeating then he will get another warning, if he gets up to 3 warning , that when they have a time-out or ground by taking away his fave game, toys and no tv etc....I don't discipline my children quickly, I give them time to think about what they've done first and to change their behavior, most of the time it works, sometimes it doesn't but they know what happens when they get up to 3 warnings, but for the fighting, thats a different story, they will get discipline without a warning...

It's not the puppy's fault for chasing after your son, your son will need to learn one way or the other that running in the house is a big no to teach your son he need to walk instead of running....Sometimes we have to stand firm and be a parents to make sure our children listen and follow through otherwise, they will never learn and will keep doing that where ever you go....

I wish you all the best!! and I think you will do just fine!!... :)
ahh excellence thread..

Same thing long time ago when my 3 youngest children were high hyperactive and play active awful lot and playing with my 2 bulldogs that time and kept tend not follow my rules.. I asked them, 1st warning if you do not follow obey Mother or Father says so... If continue refuse follow your comply then move to 2nd strike.. this is last warning what I've explain you previous rules kept them remind again.. If not follow your comply.. You have to take your child and put on the isolation something like that or put your child in their bedroom.. as time out. until you ask your child, Do you know why I put you this place ? Your Child will give you answer.. explain simple.. then say sorry.. give this child a hug... Go play again.. If remind your child about rules..

Dog/puppy need to have little play with your child and make sure not BITE.. If bite.. *slap their beak* say NO BITE! if continue.. send your dog into the cage.. make sure your dog or puppy have to understand follow your rules command!

Hopefully will come works as well..

Right now.. My teenagers... Pretty HUGE discussion isn't same younger children. (groan) I'm getting there and grew grew bigger pulling my hair out more... LOL
Well... it goes both ways....

first... your son shouldn't be running in the house.. he can get hurt so you may have to give him a time-out for his wrong-doing.

second.. your dog has a right to run and chase but wrong to bite, I know your dog is playing and all happy.. your puppy doesn't realize its NOT okay to bite. You shouldn't put him in a cage because of it. You use your mad tone of voice and say NO BITE! some people use roll of newspaper and whack em in the head but make sure you use a different tone of voice.. when you're mad.. make it deeper so your dog will know there's something wrong. when you're happy and want to play.. use your soft voice. It takes time and patience!!! your dog WILL get there eventually.

Yes I think there should be a limit of time at that age. Your son needs to be outside doing other activities other than sit and watch t.v. or play games. You're doing the right thing.

As far as i see where you're going with this.. you seem to be doing the right thing but don't put your dog in the cage. when you put your dog in a cage as a punishment, he's going to be violatile. Just stand in front of the dog and call his/her name and use that tone of voice and say NO bite! you'll have to do it over and over for a while... just be patient!

as far as your son running in the HOUSE.. no, bad idea. but running outside and the dog chasing him and biting him.. just stop the dog first. and tell your son that if he doesn't like it.. don't run and when the dog isn't around he can run.
its okay to take away something when he does something bad.. when he goes to a time out.. give him 5 minutes.. go by his age.. if he's 6.. then 6 minutes.. so find a spot that he won't like.. and give him that time out spot for 5 minutes. other thing.. you can take away something he really loves for a day and explain to him why you're taking that away. he'll learn. if he keeps on.. take more stuff away.

I did that with my daughter. i took her stereo and t.v. away from her because of her grades. she improved alot! so it varies on how parents discipline their kid/kids
get your puppy a small toys for him/her to play the one that he can play with your son...
Puppies teeth tend to have very sharps teeth... explain to him when puppy teeth fall out and grow new teeth it will be much better same idea with your son sean get teething same with puppies so explain simple thing to him.. as for running in house Angel gave you good advices!

now for the puppy again... remind him he play with chewy toy not your son's foot LOL
tell your son dont run and act afraid puppy will learn from his behavior that he will be afraid of dogs for life.. tell your son if puppy bit his foot/feet tell puppy "no.." then give him/her the toy the puppy will learn the differences!

Hopefully that helps.. good luck :)

DeafSCUBA98 and OldNavy, I see your Christmas picture on your avatar, OldNavy, It's a real cute one, it's even cuter when you included your pets in the picture, ;) I hope I get one through the mail along with your Christmas card. :fingersx:

I just noticed on your post, Eric asking how many hours to allow children to watch television, It's up to you as a parent. ;)
running around, alots kids doing that. But, if contiune, i will punish them.

Watching TV, play videos, I think its depends on every parents. In Winter, usually alots. But Spring to Fall, not much since play outside. If you think something very addictive or behavior in kids, maybe reduce the tv time limit. Up to you.

By the way, beautiful pic of xmas!
thanks for the advice.. yeah that picture on ONG advatar is one of that hardest part of doing that. had to take nearly 50 pictures to get a successfu.l one with those 2 manic wild animals!
:::Off-topic::: I really love your avatar OldNavyGirl, beautiful family and pets
Thanks for starting this thread -- it seems like you've gotten a lot of really helpful answers so far.

To add my $0.02 to the mix:

The best thing you can do for your child is model the kind of behavior you want him to have, and make it clear to him that you expect this behavior of him. The second best thing you can do is be consistent in whatever approach you decide to take... kids thrive on rules, and they're really good at picking them up, so it's best not to change them too often (confusing for little ones).

In our household, we haven't imposed any limits on TV-watching, but we do our best to re-direct our 5 y/o to other activities whenever possible. The end result is that she only watches about 2-3 hours of TV a week (often less), without her really being aware that she's "missing out" on something.

As for kids playing in their rooms, I think it's a fine idea. My daughter's going through somewhat of a clingy period right now (I'm hoping it's just a phase!), so we've set up "stations" of her toys throughout the house. That way she can play near me when I'm doing work or doing the dishes, etc., but the mess doesn't get scattered too far. I do tell her to play in her room sometimes, and she's got some really exciting toys in there, but unless someone's in there with her she invariably comes back after five minutes to tell me she's bored.

Anyhow, those are just some thoughts. I'm sure I could say lots more, but the truth of the matter is just trusting yourself as a parent; your kid will pick up on that vibe and trust you too.

(Sorry I have no advice on what to do about the dog... we don't have any such pets in our home.)
My kids usually runs around the house if they was playing some kinda of games and older son have autsim.. we wld say to him NO running he wld understand what we say..2nd son with ADHD if he runs he know what the punishment will be.. TIME OUT! but if we was playing around thats ok.... we usally puinsh the boys by havin timeouts..
we allow the kids play games on the computer as long its educational.. and have some veidogames for my older son to play... he seems understand the conpect to play if its easy game sand love watch tvs espcially when its SpongeBob or Scooby DOO....
Since we have two LARGE dogs.. they are still "puppy life in them" our kids do run around.. but there are TWO different meanings of runnings..
RUN like you are running on road.. for in the house, I forbid. If the kids are like that then I will ask them go outside.. RUN.. lol

other thing.. run back and forth across the rooms... they are just kids.. playing around.. but for the dogs.. they are "teasing the dogs" they want or make them go bit.. we told them many times.. till one of dogs... bit them, they learn lessons but sometimes they were in mischeif mood.. some of bites are soft or hard.. dogs knew that kids are teasing, they already warn by bark at them.. and again.. bite.. (not break skin just leave good bruise).. kids stopped lately.. cuz our 2nd dog Molly, she is serious not to have kids around.. but Rocky is very passive.. dont mind unless hurt, he just YIP..

I do punish the kids if they were teasing or hurt dogs or any pets.. by time out or not allow to play with dogs..
because you dont want them grow up and abuse or killing animals..


I do let the kids watch tv.. for the little ones, watch kids show only like Dora, thomas train or spourt channel.. something educational.. few hours in different time length a day.. not 1 or 2 hours straight sit watch..

for older kids.. I have been trying to encourage them go outside since they couldnt sleep well at nights... but we do let them watch shows 1-2 hours.. depends on shows..