Need online news video captioned!


New Member
Dec 20, 2008
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It irritates me that when I look at news sites, like CNN, they have video of news stories that are not captioned, so I don't know what's being said. This is SO irritating! I know that it would cost the news sites money to subtitle all the videos they put up on their sites, especially when they put the videos up almost as soon as they're filmed. No wonder us deaf people have such a hard time keeping up with news. I wonder if soon they'll stop printing text on sites in favor of video updates-which means that the news we deaf can now get by reading text will be even harder to get.
I remember that Macromedia Company was the first one that made closed captions on its website for selling Dreamweaver series. A few years ago, Adobe Company bought the Macromedia, and the Adobe didn't provide closed captions. Adobe also didn't teach the web-designers who work for a News company how to make captions to provide hearing impaired people to read them online. I think that Adobe Company is very rude.