need information of super power H/A


New Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hi, i'm new member. I've unilateral sensorineural profound deafness (right ear) problem. I'm wearing a hearing aid (digital Widex Senso P37 Super Power BTE) since 6 month ago but not satisfy with result (volume's not strong enough). Does anybody know the best super power H/A for me. I dont care about sophisticated features/ digital, the most important thing is I can listen people talk.
Not every hearing aid is expected to be perfect. Maybe, your hearing isn't strong enough to hear anything. Maybe, your hearing aid isn't strong enough. Have you spoken with your audiologist?
What about SUMO? (Super Maximum Output) hearing aid? I've heard good things about SUMO. Definitly experiment with different kinds of aids....I know the conscenoius is that an aid is an aid, but I also think that different aids work well for different types of people. That's why some people with severe loss get lots of benifit out of ITE aids, and some need BTEs. You could also try a body worn aid, as those aids tend to have the most power. Size STILL pretty much equals power, and you may need the power of a BW aid.
My son got the new Oticon Digifocus II Gaias. Like you, he wouldn't do well with multiple programs. Prior to that he had Oticon Digifocus II Super Power aids. Those were great, but these are smaller yet just as strong.
Super Power HAs

I wear Unitron US 80 PPL hearing aids in both ears, they´re really loud :-o so I can understand a lot, eventhough I´m near to deafness. My ears are sore at the end of the day, but I want to hear. :cry:
One thing you might want to consider ( especially if you have aquired SSD, or have been using a HA on the deaf side) is something called a BAHA or Bone Achored Hearing Aid.

you can read more about BAHA at

Hope that helps