need a sign for "soul", NOT "spirit"


New Member
Sep 8, 2012
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hi :) i have an interpreting question for anyone who knows asl. i know the sign for "spirit" and for "body", but i need a seperate sign for "soul". i have not been able to find one. i wonder if a sign needs to be invented! i know that "soul" and "spirit" are signed the same in asl. BUT, they are two completely different concepts. the spirit is housed in the body, and the soul is simply the interface btwn the soul and body - the border @ which the spirit and body touch. (u can think of it as how oil meets water; the 2 touch but never mix.) so, what would be a good sign to show what the soul is? i don't feel it's appropriate to use the sign for "border" or some synonym because that's too generic. the soul houses our will, our thought-life, and our emotions. so, it's certainly more than a border! does anyone have any idea of what kind of sign i could make that would signify what the soul is as well as the fact that it is the place @ which the body and spirit touch? whoever tries to come up with something, i take my hat off to you!
thanks in advance for your help :)
Go to, Main Dictionary, the letter S. Scroll down to Soul-2. That's the common sign for soul. (Bent B-hand, fingertips to the heart.)

Don't make up a sign.
also you can't post the same topic in more than one section of the forum
thanks for your help, guys! i'm very relieved to know the official sign for "soul" now :)
i didn't know you can't post a message more than once. i posted this message once in the general info forum and once in this forum. thanks for the tip!
how do i merge my two messages?
Go to, Main Dictionary, the letter S. Scroll down to Soul-2. That's the common sign for soul. (Bent B-hand, fingertips to the heart.)

Don't make up a sign.

The deaf church and deaf community in here use Soul-1.

Spirit and Soul are little difference when come with signing because soul use "IN" style at beginning since spirit use "ghost" style signing.

Make a sign is ok for give a new name to hearing people or deaf children, and new sign for small/medium cities, however large cities - it is up to deaf community to make agreement.
SOUL and SPIRIT are ASL signs used by Deaf people who believe the soul and spirit are two different parts of a human being, and that they have two different functions. Saying that "soul" and "spirit" are the same is like saying "eye" and "foot" are the same.
Just for example purposes only, to show that soul and spirit are used for two different meanings within one sentence. It wouldn't make sense to use one sign for both words:

"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
(I Thessalonians 5:23, KVJ)

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
(Hebrews 4:12, KJV)