Near-Death Experience

Last May I walked up the hill of our friend's 5 acres property with my husband. I walked past the bush and I thought I saw a squirrel ran under the bush then I saw it was rattle snake. Oh shoot it scared hell out of me and I jumped over the bush fartherest away from it. It was ready to attack me. My husband heard it but does not know where then yelled at me, rattle snake. Our hearts were racing. whew. next day my friend found the snake and took it to the park down the road and let it go.

Ohter one was most closest death experince I ever had in my whole life except for illness, train almost killed me last December. I guess I scared those neighbor kids when they saw whole thing. Thank god I got out right before train past me. It was snowing heavy that day and I went cross country ski but need to cross the track to go to the field. I looked both direction to make sure there is no train. Of course you can not see train with heavy snow falling down till right there and it went alike 60 mph. I never got to sleep that night. shook myself so bad and it took me few weeks to calm down. Now I am thankful to be alive and breath.
jazzy, that sounds absolutely terrifying. I'm glad you survived and are okay. On the bright side those kinds of experiences really make you appreciate life.
Everything is fine now!....For a long time, I was afraid the Lady in the white dress that floated" was following me....I got many "explanations" as to why I saw the was that she was warning me of something about to was that "she was my mother"....The Floating Lady....wears a white dress....her face is "hazy" you cannot make it out! She just "floats", she was "floating" by my bedroom door....then a few years later....she was at the front door....

Did she look like or remind you of anyone you knew that passed away?
Did she look like or remind you of anyone you knew that passed away?

Like I said, her face is "hazy" and you don't see her feet either. Just the long flowing white dress.....floating in the air. Several people I know have seen her too! My mother passed in 1962, but I don't feel it was her, I really believe the floating lady comes whenever there is something evil in ur home, just a warning.....The other bedroom was the one that was cold all the time, and the chimes in that house also, she was there in that house.
:eek2: Other people have seen her too? That adds a whole other level of creepiness. All I can say is I'm glad you moved out of that house!
This happened yesterday. When I was getting my blood pressure checked, the band that goes around my arm was inflated too much and it stayed that way for a few seconds til it deflated. Somehow, my body had a bad reaction to it and I got lightheaded so fast. On top of that, everything started to turn black and I couldn't see, or even barely walk. It was really confusing at first and I almost collapsed to the floor.

Fortunately, my bro (whom is a nurse) came in early enough and knew what was going on and helped me recover.

I had another experience when I was 6 yrs old. It was asthma and there was no medication available at the time. Luckily I came through.

I wonder if you've had any near-death experiences. If you do, you can tell us about it.

Shifting of the Blood Pressure is a common thing to make people black out or feel highly woozy.

I had a similar incident when I had an epidural to relieve some of my child bearing pains. It did not last too long... It caused my BP to drop so fast. That I though they gave me something real good for the pain. It was the weirdest feeling I every experienced. Everything was slow and dark. Last thing I remember is the Alarm blaring and the doctors and nurses rushing to my aide. They shot something up my vein to increase my BP which I went from a low to a high BP in an instant... Next thing I knew.. I was barfing!! Then they had to give me something to lower my BP to a normal rate.

during this time.. an hour has passed.. felt like it only happened in a few seconds....

I just do not consider it as a near death... Due to my heart was beating the whole time.

There is only really one thing that I can really think of... and that was when I wasn't looking where I was going while riding my bike and if this pickup truck driver didn't see me, I probable could have been run over. When he stopped, he was less than an inch from my face. :shock:

I've felt like that before though, MoonDrifter... but I doubt mine was the same. It wasn't even the same circumstance either. Mine I was at a bowling alley and all of a sudden I had trouble breathing, and then everything went numb. Then my sight went blurry and I had trouble seeing. But then after about 30 minutes I felt better again. It was weird and I have no idea what it was.
I think I did...

I was only 3 years old but I don't remember much at all. My adopted mom told me I was near death because I cannot breath and I had to use the breathing tube in my throat. The scar is still there and you could see it! I had too many illness when I was a kid.