Napoleon Dynamite


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
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Anyone else like the Napoleon Dynamite movie?

I thought it was brilliant. So incredibly idiotic, it was hilarious. Jon Heder got the pathetic dork/hero character dead on.

Also loved the fun poke at the "Happy Hands" signing singers.

Frickin' awesome nunchuck skills!
I loved it too! Although, the first time I saw it.. I was like, :roll: but then I watched it again, then again, then finally liked it.. My sister and I always quote lines from Napoleon Dynamite- like "I'm training to be a cage fighter" :laugh2:
yeah I saw that two weeks ago. my hubby and I thought it was funny and stupid at same time. great ratings.
Yikes! I think I have a crush on Jon Heder! :Ohno: Doesn't matter he's a geeky or not. I was geeky at school!! :laugh2:
yep, i agree. I cracked up so hard at "friendly hands" or whatever it was. It was SO lame. Stupid hearies. And as for the disco part, I lOVED the disco part, he looked so awesome.. hehehe
I saw that movie.... damn, its so funny but stupid.... He saved taters tots for later.... putting in his pocket, let it rot and eat it.. ewwww
Yah... heh! Loved the tater tot scene. Gross! I love all the idiotic comments he makes... the scene where he's drawing the liger is awesome, and I love the line about not being able to keep his nunchucks in the locker.

The disco scene rocks, what a good friend he was to do that for Pedro!

We had a kid in high school who I thought of immediately after the tater tot scene... only grosser.. he would take off his glasses and lick the lenses to "clean" 'em and do the same thing to his hearing aids (he wore those in-the ear kind), and no, he wasn't "special", just a total dork... wonder what happened to him??? Hmm.. prob'ly turned into a millionaire software developer and dates supermodels.

"Yeah, I'd totally vote for you... plus, you're like the only guy in school that has a mustache."
