Name Our Tortoise!


New Member
Dec 22, 2005
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Help us name our new pet! We just brought it home from PetSmart about an hour ago and we can’t think of a good name. We don’t know if it’s male or female, so we need a good gender-neutral name. It is a red-footed tortoise from Central America, if that helps. Please help us find a name for our little critter!

:thumb: What a beautiful tortoise you have there. When Tiger had a turtle a couple of years ago, I asked him what he wanted to name his turtle. Granted we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl either. Tiger spelled out


So, that is the name we gave to the turtle. Paige died about a year ago.

Good luck with your new addition, it's so cute!!!
Damn it, I did it again! I need to do something about my alter ego sock puppet. This is Levonian and Mayflower’s turtle, NOT Barney and Cheri’s. :roll:
Aww cute tortoise, What about Mossimo (Moe-si-moe) ? or Bubba? Just trying to help. :dunno:
since not sure girl or boy, Ashley may be named both, also Alex, thas all I know of :dunno:
How about Sidney? :) Or Jessie? Or Jaime? All three are unisex names. :)
Cheri said:
Aww cute tortoise, What about Mossimo (Moe-si-moe) ? or Bubba? Just trying to help. :dunno:[/QUOTE

:wiggle: ohhhhhhh I like Mossimo!!! What a unique name!!!
Never saw a tortoise like that ever.

Unoriginal, I know, but how about.....moulin spots or flaming spots.
That's an unique and cute looking tortoise you got there. I can't think of any names but it would be nice if you gave him or her an unique name instead of a common name.
Very cute red spotted tortoise; turtles are very popular in my family!

It's always hard to name someone before you know their personality...How about Speedy? Or Roadrunner? :naughty: