Naida CI reviews


New Member
Aug 8, 2012
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Hi! I've had my Harmony processor for several years (five or six, I'd say. I definitely got my CI in middle school) now and pretty soon I'm probably going to face the problem of my processor basically dying out on me.

I have already emailed my Audiologist and asked about insurance. After that, I read in another thread that insurance companies don't cover the costs of hearing tests and cochlear geo.. I remember what that word was! ;-; So. Insurance companies DO cover CIs? Or do they not? I'm so confused.

Other than that, I just want to know what people who already have the Naida think of it. Do you like it? Is there something you don't like? Basically, what are your thoughts? Would you recommend it?

I am a swimmer myself so I would wait until the waterproof feature comes out. I hope they don't take way too long to release that! The waterproof part, would it be a separate CI or would there be a case or something?

Also, with the headphones part, do you still have to use headphones or do you just switch the hook?
no one knows what the waterproof option is that AB has in the works for the Naida yet.

Insurance do typically cover CI's (although there are a few that will not cover them for whatever reasons), and will generally cover an upgrade when you've had your older processor for at least 5 years (but will depend on what insurance coverage you have). Sometimes they will be difficult and make you appeal though. Check the forums for feedback from other AB users about the Naida. I don't know of anyone on AllDeaf that has the Naida CI yet (I can't get an upgrade for 3 and half years, but really want the Naida CI). Or if you have facebook, check the Advanced Bionics group page on there, or other CI group pages.

You could use headphones over the T-mic, or you could use the ComPilot accessory which is compatible with the Naida CI for wireless streaming with bluetooth devices...
I think that the Naida waterproof thing will likely be a watertight case combined with a Neptune AquaMic.

Still, like meg says, you should probably wait to see before making any decisions.

Many insurance companies will pay for CI equipment, you'd have to check with them. It's usually covered under durable medical equipment, I think the statement is. Usually you are limited to one processor every 5 years, but that shouldn't be an issue here.