NAD Requests Funding for National Study on Deaf Education



It is good to see that many of the recommendations from the last study were implemented. Hopefully there will be more good that comes from this study if the funding is approved.

Source:NAD Requests Funding for National Study on Deaf Education | National Association of the Deaf

Submitted by NAD on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 10:23 The NAD recently wrote to the U.S. Congress urging appropriation of funds for a national study to be conducted by a commission on the education of the deaf. Congress authorized the study in the amendments to the Education of the Deaf Act which were enacted in August 2008 as part of the Higher Education Opportunities Act.

Specifically, the study would identify barriers to successful postsecondary education and employment for deaf individuals. This also includes factors that contribute to successful postsecondary education experiences and employment. The NAD was instrumental in getting the provision for this study included in the Education of the Deaf Act.

In 1988, the first Commission on the Education of the Deaf (COED) issued a comprehensive and far-reaching report to the U.S. President and the U.S. Congress which included 52 recommendations that would enhance outcomes and quality of life for deaf and hard of hearing persons. Many of these recommendations have since been implemented and have had the desired result. However, significant challenges remain and no comparable comprehensive study has been undertaken since. It is critical to assess the status of education for deaf and hard of hearing children and young adults, and to assess its impact on higher education and employment

Click here to read the letter
This is a good thing, of course. But they need to start from the bottom - addressing the dire needs of the early childhood deaf education programs and overall educational programming for Pre-K through high school...once those needs are addressed, then most of the post-secondary issues would probably be allievated. We really need national standards on addressing the educational needs of our deaf and hard of hearing children, including teacher training and certification, consistent curriculum and assessments designed specifically for this population, and training for parents.
There are coutries where they have extensive training for the parents. ( I think Australia is one). I wish they had such programs in the US. I will be very interested in the findings of this new study if they get funding. Under Obama, that is questionable. He is cutting and eliminating funding for many programs including programs that assist folks with disabilities.