Mystery Animal in Maryland

Defee said:
Yikes...looks like it was a mutant kind of animal..i mean like it had mutant cells that makes it look hideous..reckon?..
Sure is a weird looking animal alright....

LOL Well, I heard that it was a fox, and that it had a rather nasty case of mange, which gave it it's odd appearance.
Oceanbreeze said:
LOL Well, I heard that it was a fox, and that it had a rather nasty case of mange, which gave it it's odd appearance.
Well hey, you probably right! it must have a bad case of the mange! yikes!..
Some people exaggerate ya know? lol!
I checked out the pictures of the captured animal and the video. It looks like it's not the same animal (the one in the video has a longer tail, and red foxes do not have long tails like that; and the snout is different)

That fox did appear to have a case of mange. As for that mysterious animal, who knows. It did look like a hybrid of a hyena, but not with that tail. That tail looks more cat-like.
Defee said:
Well hey, you probably right! it must have a bad case of the mange! yikes!..
Some people exaggerate ya know? lol!

I tell you what?! I saw a picture of that fox on TV, and that is ONE UGGGLY creature! lol And, up close, it does look sickly. They said it could be rehabilitated, though. So, I'm guessing they will probably take it to some kind of wildlife refuge. :)
Oceanbreeze said:
I tell you what?! I saw a picture of that fox on TV, and that is ONE UGGGLY creature! lol And, up close, it does look sickly. They said it could be rehabilitated, though. So, I'm guessing they will probably take it to some kind of wildlife refuge. :)
Oh really? was on TV? gee i missed that!...poor thang anyways!..maybe they will give him a makeover? LOL!
Defee said:
Oh really? was on TV? gee i missed that!...poor thang anyways!..maybe they will give him a makeover? LOL!

Yeah...They are running the news story on the AP, so it's being circulated nationwide, I guess. If you're interested, keep an eye on your news this evening. It'll probably run at 11pm . :)

Wonder if the national news implied that this odd looking animal stopped at a barber shop run by animal this creature the 'rights' to cool off during blistering hot days of summer by shaving its fur off.... :lol:

Sooo...what's the update on this creature?...I have to agree with Sweet_KJ that this animal's snout does differ from a fox as well as the jaws...but then again, I could be thing is for sure...a very odd and strange looking animal!! It'll be quite interesting to see what they finally make of this...!
Oh, that was me. I was looking for my underwear... Sorry about the confusion.. :fruit:
Fly Free said:
:rofl: Defee!!! makeover qq :rofl: hahahahahahaha
LOL! why not? poor deformed animals should have makeovers like people..heh! hahaha..
Did anybody find out what that animal is for sure???
Im still curious.....
Ms. Gilgz is probably right, 'tis an animal with mange problem. It could be a coyote instead of the baby fox they caught. This whole thing happened back in July, and its now almost November?
Yeah, they are caught it. But I look at the pics it was not look like coyote or red fox. :dunno:
I wish take blood test what match kind the animal well
I delete this because I do not know
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