My younger son performed last night at his school


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May 20, 2003
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Last night
My younger son performed about Teenager pressure peer at the Public School. Teenagers made fun of other kids due to clothes style and cheaper. Girls got pregnancy and dropped out of High School. Most boys’ involved drugs and drink with other group. My son performs as a gang to sprayer the wall with foul languages and shot with a gun. Wow, he was very good actor as means with deeply voice. I can’t image, he was acting as means in gang group.

That play on purpose to encourage parents to realize most of Public Schools have a high percent involve teenagers pregnancy, drugs, drinks, suicide, gang and violence. The 48% kids dropped out of High School due to overwhelm and no support from the students and teachers.

The car was smashed to hit the tree on the stage. Wow, that car was accident that night when the teenagers were drinking after the prom. That school wants to remind all of the seniors and juniors to call parents, taxi and join other people instead of drive on their own cars when they were drinking. It was very high percent teenagers accident during prom and graduation day.

This morning, I dropped my older son at High School. I noticed the beautiful brand new sporty car parking at a lot with smash. I asked him, why they put that car there. It makes the seniors and junior’s students scared and think about themselves for not drink any alcoholic during prom and graduation nights.

Wow, I am impressed both of my two sons Public School and Private School have a very good demarcation to the seniors and juniors student about not to drink and drive with smash cars front of them. I was a goosed bump to think about Jeff and Kerri. It brought my eyes tearing.


I would like to share with you about my son's classmate and good friends.

December 2002
It was too emotional for my children and everyone. The Parents/Teachers conference was cancelled due to emotional. The flag was half to honor this Senior student, Kerri. It reminds me of Columbia in Colorado because the teachers and students cried and hugged. My arms were all goose bumps and crying. I do not know who Kerri is. It was really hitting me really hard because I have my own two teenager children.

I can't image, teenager kids drive the car with snow storm right after the school ! Wait for the children to come home for a dinner. Did not see children in graduation from High School. It was too emotional for me and everyone in this town.

It was difficult for most of the students to face the reality in their lives at their such younger ages. They can't understand why the death is end of the life! They could not cope themselves as normal for while.

My son did not go to school yesterday due to emotional because Kerri always be there for him. Kerri had a good listener and reinforcement.

Summer 2002
Jeff was best friend of my older son. He was in the front of car with other three friends. They rode with a man who is 22 years old with drink and drive. He drove pretty fast and hit other vehicle SUV. Jeff was going through the window. Brian cuter on his face from the window at back seat. Awol broke his arm. The driver cuts his face from the window broke. Jeff was in coma for a week. My son was traumatized and emotional and misses several days from school. Jeff and my son are best friends since 5th grade. Jeff and my son used to be playing the musical together.

We went to Jeff’s wake. I was stunned to see the parents, friends, and teachers wore t-shirt, shorts pants, sneakers and baseball caps. Some of teenager kids wore gothic clothes. The CD music and snicker candies were in Jeff’s coffin. I asked my son, why would they put these stuffs in his coffin. Jeff tends to steal snicker candies from his Mom since he was a little boy. It was kind of ironically because the CD musical is very foul language and strong rock music. The big cross with Jesus on it front of Jeff’s coffin.

My son was emotional because Jeff’s face had a lot of plastic with baseball cap cover on the head due to smash to hit other SUV.

Spring 2002
Jacob used to be in my son’s Math class since they were little kids. Jacob had been traumatized due to his parents divorce and went to the Foster homes. He could not deal with his life. He was suicide due to hang up himself with a rope on his neck.

My son lost his three friends in one-year row. He had a difficult time himself for a while he went to see a counselor to cope himself. He has been courageous to go through himself with his life and education.

Please education to your Teenager Kids to call Taxi, Parents or Teachers to give them a ride home when they are drinking.
Sabrina said:
Last night

Please education to your Teenager Kids to call Taxi, Parents or Teachers to give them a ride home when they are drinking.

So is our parents responsibility to educate our children. I remember riding in cars with drunk teenagers. I was innocent and naive. I couldn't understand why they were acting stupid. I have put myself in so many risky situations simply because I was uneducated.

Once I was on this date, this guy was so drunk that he ended up driving us in wrong direction for 100 miles into Washington State before I had courage to tell him to pull over on the Interstate to have him call my parents to pick me up. My parents came over, very furious yet did not explain anything to me.

Parents should educate kids PERIOD and keep a viligant eye on their social activities, not say nothing or get mad if kids ask questions.
Wow, that's great! You must be a proud mom there Sabrina!...My oldest son performed in the D.A.R.E program and He was the one who got voted by his classroom for the best essay , so he had to speak in front of everyone by reading his essay he wrote in class and even performed about that program...boy, I sure did cried and smiled!...I can't wait for my other two sons for their perform or play!... :mrgreen:
HI, I understand how your sons felt to lost a best firends my young brother lost his best freind by the DWi driver . I never forgot what it feel like to lost someone
that is good that your sons school do that :wave:
Wow I am sure you are very very proud of your son that he gave a reality show to everyone to wake up about the car accident.

It is a very touching story but sad. Thank you very much for sharing this with me because I hope my kids understand how serious the situation about drinking and driving.

Again, I am so sorry about your son's losing his friends. :( My favorite two teachers, and one of his finacee with them, all of them drove in a datsun car. They were on the right lane while the other calliaic (sp?) car (big car) was drunk driving turned into the wrong lane. Sadly, he hit my favorite two teachers and his fiance in a small car (datsun) and three of them are killed. :( :tears:
wow!! it made me cry to read this... wow!!! u are very best mother to kids... i know ur old son had hard time lost his best friend, i dont blame... sigh... :cuddle: