My World


New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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My New website

I created a website to express some of what I am learning about being Deaf and Latent Deaf.

I hope you will all stop by and take a look. There is a message board system there to that you are welcome to post to if you want.

Lori's Deaf World

Hugs Lori
I created a site for people to learn about me and for me to share what I am learning with others. I hiope you all will visit. I'm a bit shy and don't post often. I find it easier to creat websites. :)

Anyway if you care to look it can be found at:

Nicely done web page. It’s a little on the "cute" side, but well laid out. You might want to check out Sarah Dillon’s web site. She lives in Terre Haute. She’s constructed a small but informative message board related to deafness and Deaf issues. I’m sure she would like to hear from you.
Nice homepage, I enjoyed reading through your site. Dr. Miyamoto at Riley's Children's Hospital in Indpls., was the one who saw me whether I could get cochlear implant - that was in the early 1980's. :)
Lori very intersting.. It has been really hard for u being a nurse.. But u made it through and ur life became for the better... Im proud of you , ur working hard and keeping ur strength and moving forward is a big step for you.. and u should be proud of who u are and what u have been doing in ur life... I know im happy for you.. *smile* and by the way Pretty Picture of you too..