My vacation in Maine (May 30-June9)


New Member
May 9, 2008
Reaction score
see atlanta ocean. hehehehe


Guess who house?

Seriously guess who.
Wow! That's nice! Did you have a fun? Did you eat a lobster in Maine? Did you go to lighthouse? I want to go Maine someday. :D
It's beautiful ocean. I love that green grass. I have no idea who belong to beautiful house. do you know who belong to house?
Wow! That's nice! Did you have a fun? Did you eat a lobster in Maine? Did you go to lighthouse? I want to go Maine someday. :D

Can't eat fish. I don't like them, not allergy to them but i don't like them except tuna and fish sticks.
Aww, your sister is cute baby. How old is she?

babies are never ugly. And if they were would you ever say "awwww your sister is an ugly baby." Probaly not.

Sorry im thinking out loud and i guess youre right about her being a "cute baby" :)

it just makes me laugh cuz you never hear it the other way around.
Cool! I am going up to Maine in few weeks...just for 48 pick someone up then come back. So hopefully that I'll enjoy the trip with my son...:)