my sister & drugs "Paraphernalia and crack-cocain

PurrMeow and Miss-Delectable, I'm sad to hear about your situation...

Yes PurrMeow, your parents doing right to put your sister to jail to keep clean... It's better than leave her on the street to death... All what I pray the court should sent my sister to physical hospital and stay for a long time, not prison.. Why? Because there're drug dealers around in prison... The guard can't control them for 24 hours... what if my sister overdose in prison... Better not, but stay jail until court sent her to hospitial where there're no drug dealers around which it's safer.


Yeah, I know this situation because my sister steal money from Dad to buy drug stuffs quite a lot... That's time Susie, Sue's daughter lived with her. Sue demand Susie to pay her 100 pounds ($178) per week for foods and rent since she got a first job but $178 is gone to drug stuff on next day... no foods... so Susie went to my Dad for foods... Susie living with my Dad since last October. She is looking for apartment to live her own... Dad offer her to pay him $60 per week for keep.. (foods, sleep, washing, etc.)

I would suggest you to talk your Aunt to put your nephew to hospital to rid of drugs to be clean... What do you think?
Heath said:
All of you will continue to be in my prayers God is able to deliever them out of drug addiction... God Bless....:angel:

Thank you :)
Sad news

I´m crying as I typing this post to let you all know about my sister because I update about her since last year.

I got a fax from my Dad last week telling me that he received the call from hospitail to let him know that my sister Sue has got herself out of hospital and live with same guy, my Dad and brother throw him and 3 junkies out of my sister´s house an earlier. The doctors can´t do anything with my sister anymore because she had been in and out dozen of times. My Dad & brother can´t do anything with her anymore because she refused to let anyone for the help.

I got a sad fax today telling me that my sister Sue died of overdose this morning as I came home from one hour overtime at work today. I cried and cried after re-read his fax. I doesn´t feel good now. Why Why Why she do that!!!! *crying*

Sue was found dead in the bed by her boyfriend on this morning, they took drugs, she accidently overdosed on the drugs and passed away.

They are going to do a post-mortem tomorrow to find the cause of death. Dad said that Sue drank more methadone (its for heroin users to help them get off the main drug heroin.) Dad said in the fax " The silly silly girl took some of this but took too much and never woke up." The police questioned Sue´s boyfriend because Sue had been dead for 6 hours before call the police but boyfriend said that he thought Sue is sleeping after take drugs and drink methadone. He want to wake her up and was not realized that she is DEAD.

He is going to make the funeral arrangement... *crying* I can´t beleive this.. .Why Why Why.. .Why Why...

I re-read and cried... cried... and texted my hubby at work to inform him why didn´t he tell me when he got fax... Why my boys didn´t say anything after read Dad´s fax. I cried... My boys comforted me and said that they did not read my fax because Dad addressed to me only, not them. (I know my hubby understand English less than half - my boys´s English is better than my hubby). They never thought that it´s bad new fax. I cannnnoooottttt beleive this... They cried
Oh Liebling dear, I am so sorry about your sister's death. I can imagine how hurting you are and wish I could give you a hug in person :hug:
Awww, Liebieg.. :hug: I am here for you always! I will pray for you to get better and I hope that Sue is a in a good place and at peace! :hug:
Hi Liebling, I am sorry to hear this has happened and you are in my prayers. At least she is not suffering anymore. I would have preferred to see her alive and off the drugs and be back with your family.

Drug addiction is very powerful and can become a life long struggle. May God give you and your family comfort during these difficult days and weeks ahead. Many of us here at AllDeaf will be here to help you if you do need help ......

May God Bless and Comfort your family and you too. Please remember you are in my prayers and thoughts. :angel:

Come here and give you THICK HUGS tight.. Yes I do understand how much you felt and pain upset...
All as I can comfort talk w/you... you know where find me.. talk.
Sugar Addict said:
Sorry about your loss, will you be coming to United States for the fureal?

Not in U.S. there will be the funeral in United Kingdom.


Dear Liebling,

Please accept my sincere sympathy on the passing of your sister. Although she suffered for a long time and this moment may seem like a blessing, it is still a grave loss for you. Life is never quite the same when a sibling is no longer present, and I am sorry for the hardship you are experiencing.

I will hold you and your family in my thoughts and prayers as you move through the process of grieving and healing. Please know that there are many like me who are thinking of you.

With warm regards,

I was reading again. Oh no, she is gone !! I am so sorry as she does not deserve to die at such younger age !!! I wish, they would put her immedately seek a professional help. :cry:

God is with her in peace. :hug:
My dearest Liebling, I just heard about this news in another thread, then a member send me a PM regarding this thread as well, It's truly sad to hear this news, I know how much your family and yourself had tried many years to help her, and I honestly can not explain you how to help someone in this situation because I haven't experiences this before, and I know you and your family are deeply hurt by the lost of your sister, I'm very sorry to hear about this, and I can not say exactly how you are feeling now, but from the way you post, I can only image the pain you are dealing with right at this moment, my heart goes out to you and your family, as well as my prayers...


Anytime you need a shoulder or want to scream out, I'm here for you, and always will
Oh my goodness Liebling I was tearing up as I was reading your post. :( I am so, so sorry about your sister, Sue... I can really feel your pain because I had a cousin who was exactly like your sister and who couldn't help herself then eventually she died in end of 2004 from overdose. Everyone in the family did everything they could to help, but no luck. She was only 43 and she has a daughter who just turned 17. I feel so awful for you Liebling and I'm very sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. :hug:
I am so sorry sweetheart. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that your sister is now in a better place. God bless you and your family. :hug:
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
OHHH NO!!!! I am soo sorry for your loss of your sister!! When I read this, it sure brought me some tears! :hug: We understand if you won't be on for few days.
:hug: I am so so so sorry for your loss. :hug:

I am a sister and I have a sister that I am very close and I am thankful for that and It would kill me if that ever happens to her. Man, I am so sorry for your loss and your family's loss.

You have my sympathies and you/your entire family are in my prayers.