My IP Relay vs i711 relay


New Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hello everyone,

Which one do you use ? The My IP Relay or the i711 relay ? And what are the reasons ? What are the pros and cons of each relay ?

For starters, I know that both relay systems requires one to be logged on to AIM to receive incoming calls.

I also have a My IP Relay account. But am also wondering if I'm missing anything with the i711 relay ?

I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance !
One difference between i711 and My IP Relay I can think of is that you can look up your phonebook via i711 relay through AIM, a feature MY IP Relay doesn't have.

Another difference is that My IP Relay assigns to you your own local ten-digit number that hearing people can call you, and you will receive their calls via AIM as text. (It's possible My IP Relay may actually be the only service who has been assigning local ten-digit numbers to the Deaf and HoH for years before new FCC ruling requires all other relay services/providers to provide local ten-digit numbers by Dec. 31st, 2008!)

I think there's more, but that is all. Hope that helps!