my introduction.


New Member
Dec 4, 2008
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I thought it was about time I introduced myself, my name is Morgan. I'm from Texas, and I'm 18.
I'm going to school next fall to become an interpreter, and I found AllDeaf by accident actually.
I decided to join, and I'm glad I did. I've been very nervous about school next fall because I heard from a mother with a HoH daughter that hearing are the minority at the school I'm going to. She said that sometimes they'll be mean just because I'm hearing.
Maybe this was just her personal experience, but I've never had any association with the deaf community before, so this scared me a bit. I don't like confrontations. I'm still going to school next fall, it didn't scare me away. I know this is what I want to do, but I'm still really nervous. So if anyone has any words of wisdom for me, I'd really appreciate it.
I'm glad to be here, I've already learned a lot and people are very kind.
:ty: thank you
Hello and welcome. Which school are you going to?

Thank you.
I'm going to South West College Institute for the Deaf (SWCID) in Big Spring, Texas.
I'm lucky, I live there, haha.
so I won't have to go far. just across town. :D
Hi Morgan!

Welcome to AD!

I'm 18 years old like you!
What made you decide to become an interpreter?
What made you decide to become an interpreter?

Well, it was my senior year in school, and I had almost no clue what I wanted to do.
I like to help people, and I had been seriously considering Social Working for children, or working for Child Protective Services (CPS). Then we had a college day, a lot of speakers from different colleges had come to speak to us and tell us what their college offered. The community college here, Howard College, started talking, and I started dozing off (it was pretty boring :lol: ) but then they said something about SWCID, and I woke up. They said that there is a need for interpreters, and that through Howard you could go to SWCID and become an interpreter. Right after that I went to my counselor/diagnostician and asked if we could set up a meeting for SCWID. We set up the meeting and I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting anyone deaf to be there, but it shocked me, and then it was amazing. The man I met was really nice, and he explained any questions I had with ease. After the meeting my dad asked me if I was still sure that this was what I wanted to do, and I'm sure. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do now that I know about interpreting.
Unfortunately, I didn't go last fall. I thought "I'll take a year off, it will be fine." it isn't fine. there aren't many jobs here besides walmart, so I don't have anything to do. I get really bored. :zzz: GO TO COLLEGE KIDS!
Its great that youv chosen to go to college to become an interpreter, the world does need more interpreters

Good luck!!