My Idea


New Member
Feb 3, 2015
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My name is Igor, I'm 2nd year BIS student in Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Recently, I came up with idea which would help to facilitate communication between deaf and people who don’t know finger language.

I'm planning to develop an app which would allow person who don't know finger language speak to a deaf person and it would allow deaf people reply with gestures (finger language).

Basically, algorithm of the app is the following:
The app will record speech of a person who doesn't know finger language, convert it in to a video with a specific set of gestures (with subtitles) which will be shown on the screen of a deaf person.
In return, we will develop special gloves for deaf people which will track and convert gestures (finger language) in to voice messages which will be played on the device of a person who doesn't understand finger language.

I would love to bring this idea to life, but before, I need to know if this idea looks good and applicable for the people I'm creating it for?

Please, leave your thoughts, I'd be glad to hear any suggestions.


Are you talking about finger spelling or sign language? Where are you from? I don't like to use oral-only method on the video. I would rather use ASL better on video or YouTube.
My idea is to make it work with sign language. It will work like Viber, a person sends a voice message for a deaf person, but instead of listening it will show a set of gestures like a video.
So, the app will recognize voice and convert it in to sign language.

Also, I'm definitely planning to develop special gloves which would work with this app, and allow deaf people to reply with sign language which would make it easier for both.

I'm located in Bulgaria, currently, I'm trying to connect and bring this idea to some associations or unions for deaf people, to get some support.

But first of all, just wanted to know if such app would work for you guys...


I guess I would have reservations about something like that. If a speech to text app gets a word wrong, the word is still one that sounds the same. I can deal with that - I do it everyday while lipreading. If a speech to ASL app gets a word wrong it would spit out a completely different sign, which moves into the realm of translating instead of interpreting. Then there is a matter of syntax (sentence structure) differences, although I guess that really wouldn't be too hard.
When a person records a message, the app shows recorded message in text... if there is something wrong a person can fix it easily. And a deaf person will also see original message in subtitles in the video with message in sign language.

The process of communication will be designed in the most comfortable way possible and tested hundreds of times before the app comes to life.