my friend need your help


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Oct 9, 2005
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my friend sara got a boyfriend more than 3 months

she overweight 200. her boyfriend andrew wanna her be fat more, she can t cuz her doc said she can t, she got heart attack before and if she get more fat and will get heart attack again. andrew and she love others so much and dont wanna leave others. how can help andrew stop beg her to fat? he do not wanna her to die with heart attack. sara is 23 and andrew is 26. please help them :ty:
Explain Andrew that girl can't gain any more fats due of health.. if he want to see her gain and gain of weight it something isn't right here.. you would have to make sure if they are in love.
Tell her to ignore Andrew's begging. They can still be together but she should simply ignore his "wanting her to be more fat." She needs to listen to her doctor's orders, period.

Better yet, tell her to bring him to the doctor and doctor will look at him strangely and tell him what will happen if she gains some more weights. Sounds to me as if Andrew doesn't really love her if he kept on pressing her to gain more weights. It's sad. :(
:thumb: Arizona, you are a good friend to Sara to help her out this way. First of all, Sara is in control of her own body. No one should tell her if she needs to gain weight or lose weight. This is something Sara can and will do on her own. If this man Andrew really loves her? He would accept Sara for the way she is and love her for what she is on the inside.
Andrew is not taking her health into consideration to ask her to gain more weight. There is blood pressure to consider, cholestrol to consider,fat around the heart, diabetes and stroke. Sara must put herself first because Sara is the most important person to herself, and she must be true to herself. Andrew is not taking Sara's health into consideration, it's something that he wants.
Tell Sara, that she needs to think of herself first, be in control of her body, and if Andrew continues to pressure her, then she needs to tell him that she has to put their relationship on hold, and then maybe Andrew will wake up.
Arizona, be there for your friend Sara completely, because you are the true friend that Sara really needs. Good luck Arizona and I hope that Sara will do the right thing for herself and herself only.
When i was with my partners in my life. i never judged them, they want to lose weight its on them thry want to gain its on them..

my current partner has a flacuation of her own weight but the important thing i see is the beauty within and shes a sweeet wonderful soul and i love her all the same no matter what!
200 lbs and have a heart attack? I know a lot of gals here at NTID/RIT who are over 200 lbs and are in great health. They're involved with clubs and organizations. They also play sports with others like dodgeball, football, soccer, etc.
I think Andrew is jealous and dont want to lose her by having her to gain weight so no other man can get her. Get it!! Andrew dont want to see her lose some weight so she could feel good about herself and looking good being in a good shape. He is afraid that the other man will fall in love with her and take her away from him. But the most important thing is love and trust each other that Andrew should know and learn that is important.
It really depends on each person. Not two person have exact same health tolerance. This sure interesting thread, I know some people have fetish for fat or huge person. Good friend of mine loves fat woman, I really don't know why he does. This isn't for me.

VamPyroX said:
200 lbs and have a heart attack? I know a lot of gals here at NTID/RIT who are over 200 lbs and are in great health. They're involved with clubs and organizations. They also play sports with others like dodgeball, football, soccer, etc.
Pomeranian said:
I think Andrew is jealous and dont want to lose her by having her to gain weight so no other man can get her. Get it!! Andrew dont want to see her lose some weight so she could feel good about herself and looking good being in a good shape. He is afraid that the other man will fall in love with her and take her away from him. But the most important thing is love and trust each other that Andrew should know and learn that is important.

This reminds me of what happening in my family: My aunt tried to lose weight and putting on the new make-over. She's feeling good and can't wait to see what her husband was thinking. My uncle came home from work and what happened? They started an arguments about her new looks and her weights. She felt hurt so bad, she decided to dump him right there. He tried to beg her to take him back and apologized for the way he behaved toward her.

She decided to take him back. And then it started all over again, this time, he gets angry because men were made a dog-whistle at his wife and remarked how beautiful his wife is. He pissed off. So the final thing she did, she divorced him and kicked him out of their home for good. She's a devote housewife. I can't figure why the uncle I used to have just didn't get it. Her words now, "NO MORE MEN IN MY LIFE!" :eek: I guess she got fed up. She has two grown sons. <sigh> She's a happy single woman again.

Happen to me too, so I just ignore him and please what I do. I never complain about his thingies, but he complains too much about me and my looks...argh! If I wear a short, he thinks my short is too short. :mad2: So the fair thing is, I said his short is too short and showing HIS butts!! Phhhfft!
sorry to be so blunt dont take this an wrong way anyway the way i see it there s two choice lose weight equal life gain weight equals death he should think about that
This is Patty,

I've been chubby, slim at one time, overweight and now plus sized (however you call them!) Vampy is so correct about one thing because I was always active in high school and being involved in school teams and sports. Rugby was my favourite team to be involved in (mind you, this was a very rough and active sport that most men participated in and wasn't for dainty gals!) There are BBW admirers (men/women that admire big, beautiful women) and there are those that do have fetishes with the morbidly obese which leads to the "feeders". The feeders encourages the morbidly obese to eat more hence the fetish for the obese. :eek2: