My friend need the advice, pls can you help?


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Dec 23, 2004
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My friend is very upset since she didnt hear from her boyfriend for almost 2 weeks right now. Her boyfriend didnt talk to her for a week last time-December 1 to 7th, but now again 2 weeks, I was like wtf??? And, she did make miskate first time of course, she learned her lesson and somehow, she just talked with her boyfriend and expressed her feelings all of sudden he stopped talk to her. Also he said that he do love her and want to stay with her of course BUT he said their relationship is on hold right now. I was puzzled abt it and said whoa whoa.. Also she showed me the away message what her boyfriend said. I got pissed off because he use someone's nickname in away message like "Si it's you(nickname) blah blah" that away message is abt love, relationship and happy with her. He use that someone's nickname that is not my friend's nickname, he NEVER call her that nickname. And last sentence he said, "Nickname of someone 4 days left" that means he is going to see that person after christmas and be with that person for TWO weeks. And her boyfriend is still not talking to her since December 9th until NOW.. Will not talk to her still until maybe that person go back to home?? I wanted to know whats going on and please can you give the advices and such like that to helping my friend with her boyfriend? I dont want to seeing anything bad happen to my friend, I tried to help her.. But, hard... Maybe some of you have that experience before? And all of you men, can think in his shoes and such like that to understand or whatever like that so give me any advices, I beg you pls??? thank you thank you! :hug:
He is up to no good. You don't wanna catch a death sentence of a sexual diease or some deadly and ugly veneral diease from his mouth as he kisses you. :barf: Find yourself a good guy that does not cheat on you !!!! I had a friend he was dating this girl and he got V.D. from kissing her !!!! :ugh: p.s. wait until you are married to have sexual relations in the marriage bedroom. :thumb: His own blood will be upon his head for having an illegal affair.
sounds like he is avoiding to tell the truth, why she, ur friend, wastes to wait for him, hell to him, have fun hanging out with friends on xmas and new year, find new guy :fly:
:ugh: Do your girlfriend a favor... show her this :gpost: and her eyes will be opened big time !!!! No need to thank me.... Just show her and her life will be saved big time from heartbroken and more hurt and suffering for nothing. She will get a good wake up and be happy to be set free by the truth. :thumb: God Bless and Merry Christmas .... and Have a safe Happy New Year's... please have a designated sober driver and a sober friend to watch your back amongst the crazy and drunk crowds * and a hint bars are not exactly a good place to find a date * :) God Bless and Merry Christmas!!!
Heath said:
He is up to no good. You don't wanna catch a death sentence of a sexual diease or some deadly and ugly veneral diease from his mouth as he kisses you. :barf: Find yourself a good guy that does not cheat on you !!!! I had a friend he was dating this girl and he got V.D. from kissing her !!!! :ugh: p.s. wait until you are married to have sexual relations in the marriage bedroom. :thumb: His own blood will be upon his head for having an illegal affair.

shush! isn't helpful..

r u another preaching again ? you way talk too overboard.. :crazy:
Nope !!! Go back and re-read again... this is not preaching. This is about saving somebody's life and no I am not crazy. I had a friend that caught VD after his girlfriend was stolen from another guy and she cheat with him then she come back and did not even know she have V.D. then a few months later ( less than 2 months later... ). People started to notice a horrible and ugly infection on my friend and his girlfriend then plus the guy that stole my friend's girlfriend. All 3 mouths were infected from kissing and who knows what not ???? :ugh: They ran covering their mouths. Can you imagine how embarrassing that was for my friend. He never did nothing to her in the first place and that guy who stole his girlfriend was a good friend of his !!!! :crazy: :squint:
ur friend need dump her boyfriend because he isnt good for her. he hurt her many time. if im her, i will dump him quick and make her to realize that he make miskate to loss me as good woman. he will realize that he make miskate to lose your friend that she is good person for him.

i suggest her to dump him NOW
Volleyball23 said:
ur friend need dump her boyfriend because he isnt good for her. he hurt her many time. if im her, i will dump him quick and make her to realize that he make miskate to loss me as good woman. he will realize that he make miskate to lose your friend that she is good person for him.

i suggest her to dump him NOW
i agree with u abt that...
You mean that you saw his away message saying to someone else that he cannot wait to see her in four days? If yes, That means there is a possibility that he is cheating on his girlfriend. If I was her, I would dump him. I cannot stand guys who aren't honest, If he cannot be a man to stand up and tell the truth what is it worth keeping him for? He is just a pieces of trash.
I agree with everyone there. That's the only choice her friend can do, all because he's avoiding her in a way.