My experience at DeafNation Expo:


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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I had a blast at Deaf Expo. It was nice because the friends that I went with saw people that they haven’t seen in years. When I looked around I saw so much of that. People just happy to be together, like a big family. The performances were cool, what I could understand they were going a little fast. =) I didn’t buy anything but I don’t usually at things like this anyway. Then we went to DPHH at City Walk Universal studios and that was even more fun and even more people that hadn’t seen each other in a long time. There were a couple of things that happened there thought. One is that the hearing people that weren’t part of the DPHH at the bar looked scared out of their minds. There were about 200 to 300 Deafies there all signing away and you would see 3 or 4 hearing people at the bar. It was obvious they new each other, but the didn’t speak to each other they just looked around wide eyed. They clearly had never seen Deaf people or sign language. This was over load for them. Most of the hearing people looked very uncomfortable. I didn’t like the looks on their faces. The other thing bad thing that happened at City Walk deserves it’s own thread. Over all the trip was great.
Awesome! I'm glad you had a great time. ;)
It was nice meeting you at the Deaf Expo. You actually look like your avatar! Like you, I had a nice time at the Expo and the City Walk social.
Interesting! You had blast time!

I wish I could been there Deaf National and one day..
Our good friend working at Deaf Nation...I am not sure how it goes for him. Anyway glad you enjoyed it!
That's cool that you went there. I went to Deaf expo in few year ago. I didn't see my old classmates for many years. I enjoyed see them again. They look total different because they were no longer small kids. One guy came to me and he said he know me. I said Sorry, I don't know you. He said yes you know me. I asked him what is my name and yours? He said gave me my name and his name. I still not remember who is he. He said wow but I said anyway nice see you again. We had short chat. I had good time at Deaf expo. I didn't buy anything.
I am feeling a bit better, still not 100%. And my tonsils are swollen blah. When at Deaf Expo I don’t know what was up, well I kind of do. I drove 3 hours to get there which is tiring and my blood sugar was low from not eating so I was feeling real weak. Then add in that I have been sick. I wasn’t understanding everyone very well. My best friend and his sister Queen Lioness were the ones I understood the best. At City Walk I was better because I ate rested and showered. When I met Eyeth at Deaf Expo I wasn’t at my best unfortunately, I would have preferred to have been feeling better but oh well.
It wasn't like that for me since most of my deaf friends in my hometown don't travel out of state nor do they attend Deaf Expo.

The one here in Rochester is usually full of people who live in Rochester. A lot of people I see are the ones I already see often at other places like Walmart or the Mall. :)
The Deaf Nation Expo was in Richmond VA this past Sat. I went alone but was suprised by the number of people there I had met at silent dinners and other functions around my hometown. I learned alot and had a great time. The presentations were good. Even though I am only a student (ASL 4), there were times the voice interpreters were annoying. I really enjoyed seeing all the technology available. I was wonderful. I came home so pumped that I had a hard time turning off the sign while telling my hubby about everything!
The Deaf Nation Expo was in Richmond VA this past Sat. I went alone but was suprised by the number of people there I had met at silent dinners and other functions around my hometown. I learned alot and had a great time. The presentations were good. Even though I am only a student (ASL 4), there were times the voice interpreters were annoying. I really enjoyed seeing all the technology available. I was wonderful. I came home so pumped that I had a hard time turning off the sign while telling my hubby about everything!

Yes my best friend went there ,too.... I was born and raised in Virginia....I was raised in Richmond... now i am in Southern Califonia....You probably know my friends ....