my ducks are lesbian!


New Member
Mar 12, 2003
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I have two female ducks as pets.

Today, my two female ducks are mounting on each other! What should I do? Scream "unnatural!" to them? Hurl verses of Leviticus at them? Disown them?

Or should I just accept for who they are and love them as I have always since they were hatched?

I think I'll do the latter. :)
Stop thinking sex and think dominant behavior. Your ducks want to extablish a "top duck."
Ah how the ducks wanna establish that they are top duck and gonna quack hard enough.. lol.. seen a few of them do that at my old farm many years ago and all I could do was chuckle and think quacko ducks but funny as hell to watch them do that..
Dogs do this too, they mount to show who's the boss.
OMG stop you think on your behavior! on sex on duck stranger! I don't believe what are you point thinking images on your new story!
Pls dress them up so they wont have gender identity confusion.
Pls dress them up so they wont have gender identity confusion.

:lol: I just remembered how my big sister Cheryl said that people would ask her if my niece Helen was a boy or a girl and my mother saying to my sister dress her up in blue and tell them you're teaching her to be a homosexual. :shock: That was shocking coming from my mother.
Maybe you need to send them to a Gender Identity Rehabilitation Center??
You should throw in a Goose and see what happens.....Might they play Duck Duck Goose???