my dogs chewed my ear mold:(

Where did you leave them?
Ah... next time, leave them out of reach. Anything that's within a dog's reach is an easy target. :)

thats the thing wasn't in their was on the banister of the stairs hanging cuz I went to take a dog pulled it down and then my moms dog and mine had a field day with my pants and then found the hearing aid I they are smart puppies hhaa
Hate to break this to you, but anything hanging on a banister counts as "in reach" if the dog can reach any part of it to pull it down. Your dogs must have figured out the rule about "anything in a pocket that we can reach is obviously a toy for us."

This is in "Doggie Handbook," rule number one, I do believe. My dogs seem to have read that handbook front to back; they are always coming up with new "dog rules" that I was not previously aware of!

Like: if Mom or Dad are in the kitchen, doggie treats should be dispensed asap, even if Mom or Dad seem to be thinking about something else.

If no one is occupying one side of the bed, that automatically means that Dogs Are Allowed, even if dogs in theory are not allowed on the bed.

If anything is on the counter and reachable by nose when a certain dog is standing on his hind legs and reaching his nose over the counter as far as possible, then it must count as "treat for the dog," even if it looks amazingly like a sandwich prepared for people.

There are other rules they are figuring out; I am doing my best to stay one step ahead of them, not always succeeding.
Hate to break this to you, but anything hanging on a banister counts as "in reach" if the dog can reach any part of it to pull it down. Your dogs must have figured out the rule about "anything in a pocket that we can reach is obviously a toy for us."

This is in "Doggie Handbook," rule number one, I do believe. My dogs seem to have read that handbook front to back; they are always coming up with new "dog rules" that I was not previously aware of!

Like: if Mom or Dad are in the kitchen, doggie treats should be dispensed asap, even if Mom or Dad seem to be thinking about something else.

If no one is occupying one side of the bed, that automatically means that Dogs Are Allowed, even if dogs in theory are not allowed on the bed.

If anything is on the counter and reachable by nose when a certain dog is standing on his hind legs and reaching his nose over the counter as far as possible, then it must count as "treat for the dog," even if it looks amazingly like a sandwich prepared for people.

There are other rules they are figuring out; I am doing my best to stay one step ahead of them, not always succeeding.

Our dogs must know each other! :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised!

It's all part of the secret dog telepathy where they share their favorite success stories. You ever think our dogs are secretly plotting to take over the universe? They already know that "life must revolve around convenience of the dogs," so what's the next step, hmmm?
Wirelessly posted (droid)

The dogs are also attracted to things that smell like you. Glad that the HA part is ok. At my house, animals are more important than things. Some people think I'm crazy but animal lovers understand.
ya..I get why they did it..they don't know better lol I just have to be more careful that's all..esp when I eventually get a CI...I do NOT want them getting a hold of that..that would be a big issue lol
My dogs are a better motivation for me than all the home improvement hints in the world as far as being a better housekeeper. Because of them, I learn FAST to put stuff away that otherwise would be a temptation to them, keep stuff out of their reach, in firmly closeable containers, at the back, not the front, of the counters, etc., etc.

While they are more important than things in the cosmic sense - i.e., if the house were burning down, I'd certainly grab my dogs before my HAs - "things" are expensive and need to be taken care of to keep them out of harm's way. "Harm's way" = inquisitive l'il doggies.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

I've got a cat, too. I know that I'm not careful enough considering that he climbs and plays with everything.
I have a cat also but she doesn't play with my Implant which is in the special case.
Suggestion for Hearing Aid user -get/use a special case which may be easier than getting rid of the dog.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I have a cat also but she doesn't play with my Implant which is in the special case.
Suggestion for Hearing Aid user -get/use a special case which may be easier than getting rid of the dog.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Just get a special case! Never get rid of the dog.:shock:
um... there has been no mention at all of Alicia getting rid of her dog... wtf?
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Alicia never implied that she would get rid of her dog. She said that she can't even be mad at her dog.
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Aw c'mon. Clearly he was just kidding. That's the sort of thing my hubby and I might joke about - "well, we either need to find a dog-proof blanket for this couch, or quit owning dogs." Obviously what we're about to do is buy a dog-proof blanket!

Someone as cordial to Bott's "gang of hounds" as drphil is clearly was kidding with the "get rid of the dog" comment.
Aw c'mon. Clearly he was just kidding. That's the sort of thing my hubby and I might joke about - "well, we either need to find a dog-proof blanket for this couch, or quit owning dogs." Obviously what we're about to do is buy a dog-proof blanket!

Someone as cordial to Bott's "gang of hounds" as drphil is clearly was kidding with the "get rid of the dog" comment.

I am sure that must be true. :)
Wirelessly posted (droid)

The one who complains the loudest about an animal is the one who becomes most attached.