My appt with ENT


Active Member
Mar 25, 2004
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I will have an appt. with ENT on Tuesday, the 14th of November at 2:45. (all am appt. are booked :( ) I may have take my son out of school a bit early. Just never know it take forever in the office. After I see ENT then make an appt to see my Audiologists, hopefully not taking too long! And she and I can discuss about CI and which implant I wanted. And I hope to get the surgery date ASAP! I am going for Freedom. :thumb: Onec I get the surgery date, I may have someone stay with us/or to watch our son till I am home from surgery center. That's because my DHB work 2 jobs, with 1st job he can get time off but not with 2nd job. So wait and see when the surgery date will be.

I am a bit excited but nervous at same time. LOL!
I will have an appt. with ENT on Tuesday, the 14th of November at 2:45. (all am appt. are booked :( ) I may have take my son out of school a bit early. Just never know it take forever in the office. After I see ENT then make an appt to see my Audiologists, hopefully not taking too long! And she and I can discuss about CI and which implant I wanted. And I hope to get the surgery date ASAP! I am going for Freedom. :thumb: Onec I get the surgery date, I may have someone stay with us/or to watch our son till I am home from surgery center. That's because my DHB work 2 jobs, with 1st job he can get time off but not with 2nd job. So wait and see when the surgery date will be.

I am a bit excited but nervous at same time. LOL!


Er...Perhaps I'm missing something here. Why the ENT? Couldn't you just go to a CI center and take it from there? The reason I asked is that I never went through any ENT but went to get my hearing tested and they referred me over to the CI center.
Don't ask. That's what my Audiogosit did when i had all the testings done and the office is just right there in same building but next door. So finally I got new health insurance and should move on quickly. :)

My ENT do the surgery so that's why I have to discuss a little more bfore set up the date for the surgery. HOPEFULLY this month. Wait and see! :fingersx: I supposed to have the surgery in late August I think but I didn't think that Medicare will pay in full but they do. UGH! Oh, well. I just found out last week or so that Medicare will pay it in full so I won't have to pay 20% out of my pocket. I was like grrr but I accepted it. So I'll have both two insurance to pay somewhat. I hardly wait! :hyper:


Er...Perhaps I'm missing something here. Why the ENT? Couldn't you just go to a CI center and take it from there? The reason I asked is that I never went through any ENT but went to get my hearing tested and they referred me over to the CI center.
Thanks! I just wanted the surgery date and get over with it! LOL! :giggle:
Good luck with CI appointment. :)
Wow that is great! So does this mean that you have the medicaid thing all sorted now? I remember you saying in the past that it was an issue for you.
Best wishes for the appointment :)
I can't get Medicaid due to household income is higher than their meet standard. So DHB added me on his health insurance. SO that's A LOT better than Medicaid. :) So I still have Medicare so should work out with other health insurance we have.

I am excited but a bit nervous! I told my mom today on phone and she said COOL! She is excited because she have been telling me that DHB and my son have cutest voice and cannot wait for me to hear him that. With HA it is hard to tell.

So I am not gonna use high expectation. Just let it flow and I will get there. :)

Wow that is great! So does this mean that you have the medicaid thing all sorted now? I remember you saying in the past that it was an issue for you.
Best wishes for the appointment :)

Congratulations!! :)

I think you're doing the right thing by keeping your expectations low and taking things one day at a time.

I had to wait 6 months for my first CI (due to testing equipment that needed to be returned from repair, delayed/cancelled appointments, etc.), but the wait was definitely worth it!

Good luck! :)

Hear Again

Left ear - Nucleus 24 Contour Advance with 3G
Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05

Right ear - Nucleus Freedom
Implanted: 2/1/06 Activated: 3/1/06
Thanks! I hardly wait! :)

Congratulations!! :)

I think you're doing the right thing by keeping your expectations low and taking things one day at a time.

I had to wait 6 months for my first CI (due to testing equipment that needed to be returned from repair, delayed/cancelled appointments, etc.), but the wait was definitely worth it!

Good luck! :)

Hear Again

Left ear - Nucleus 24 Contour Advance with 3G
Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05

Right ear - Nucleus Freedom
Implanted: 2/1/06 Activated: 3/1/06

I went to ENT yesterday. Dr. Wayman was happy to see me again. I told him move on to get CI. So I have to wait by end of the week or next week to get the surgery date. They have to send out the paper works to insurance co. Other than that...he said it will be on my right ear (I was hoping for left, oh well). They cannot make surgery date without insurance approval. Dang it! I respect their policy though.

As he told me that my audiologist wanted see me one more time to discuss on which CI I wanted and other issues. So I called today and made an appt for Monday. I won't have an interpreter this time cuz it take time to get one. And I am not sure if I have enough time before the surgery for an appt with an interpreter. (That since next week is Thanksgiving and the office will be close on Thursday but not sure on Friday). So I said paper and pen will do. I will go on Monday the 20th of November at 3:30.

So I would have to sit and wait for E-mail from ENT to get the surgery date. I hope SOON! I am not gonna wait too long! :giggle: I will probably send her E-mail and get update what's happening. :thumb:
Glad the appointment went well and hope you get a fast insurance approval. If i remember rightly you have qualified for a CI already, around the same time as me? There is so much to do though and hurdles to get past. Let us know when you get the big date!
I don't remember lol! Anyway yea I am qualified for CI and wasn't sure if my Medicare will cover it all and I just found out not long ago, they do! GRRR! SO I just go with another health insurance and once the paper works are in (to insurance co) and they'll send me a letter within 72 hours to get approval surgery then I can get the surgery date.

HURRY UP for the darn letter!! :giggle:
Glad the appointment went well and hope you get a fast insurance approval. If i remember rightly you have qualified for a CI already, around the same time as me? There is so much to do though and hurdles to get past. Let us know when you get the big date!

That's great news! <smile>

I know how you feel about finally getting the approval letter from insurance. I waited on pins and needles for mine. In my case, it took about 8 weeks to receive approval, but I know others who only had to wait a few days or 1-2 weeks at the most.

Hang in there! :)

Good luck!!