Muslims = Terrorists ??

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Aug 16, 2006
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The 18-year-old man who shot and killed at least five people Monday night at Trolley Square has been identified as Sulejman Talovic, a Bosnian refugee who lived in Salt Lake City.
Little additional information was released about Talovic.
The Bosnian community, which numbers about 3,000 in Utah, planned a news conference later this afternoon.
Talovic parked his car in the west parking lot and walked into the mall, encountering two people, whom he shot. Then he walked further into the mall and shot a woman, said Police Chief Chris Burbank.
He then walked to a gift shop and shot five people. He shot several other people before he was gunned down by an off-duty Ogden police officer assisted by four Salt Lake City police officers, Burbank said.
He had a backpack that carried numerous rounds of ammunition as well as a .38-caliber handgun, said the chief.
Police have no motive in the killing.

Salt Lake Tribune - Killer identified as 18-year-old Sulejman Talovic
As far as I can tell, his religious beliefs doesn't appear to be the reason behind the killings.

Yes, Muslims do kill for religious reasons but this looks more like a mass murder spree than a terrorist spree. I keep thinking of Charles Whitman the Texas Tower murderer for some reason.
As far as I can tell, his religious beliefs doesn't appear to be the reason behind the killings.

Yes, Muslims do kill for religious reasons but this looks more like a mass murder spree than a terrorist spree. I keep thinking of Charles Whitman the Texas Tower murderer for some reason.

I remember that story of Charles Whitman fired rifle spree from tower. I don't remember which one is university?. I think university of Texas?. If I am wrong then plz correct my error.
No. Muslims are not terrorist group at all. Some groups does the killing what they believe in. Not just muslims...there got many religion's killing for their own reason. :|
You're right, Falcon. It's University of Texas at Austin.

As for, mall shoot-out, well, .38 Caliber is pretty bigger than "popular" 9mm. But less than .45 Caliber. It's sucks. I don't know if I can trust muslims in America.
The FBI doesn't think the shootings were related to terrorism. However, Crime Library doesn't agree with the FBI though.
How sad and ironic it is that so many people talk of Muslims today using the same language used with Jews in the 30s.
If a bunch of deaf people went on a shooting spree, I'm sure they would freak out if they saw me saying... "Yo!"
Please don't generalise.

The actions of ONE person do not speak for an entire group of a billion or more.
The FBI doesn't think the shootings were related to terrorism. However, Crime Library doesn't agree with the FBI though.

I'm going to have to stick to logic on this one. Terrorists usually have an objective and it's usually political and to make a point. This seems more like a kid gone wiry in the head.

Man, this is why my parents hate the city.
I'm going to have to stick to logic on this one. Terrorists usually have an objective and it's usually political and to make a point. This seems more like a kid gone wiry in the head.

Man, this is why my parents hate the city.

Muslims as terrorist?

While I am not going to classify all Muslims as terrorist, I do have to say that I have not seen any type of outspoken criticism within the community over all that has been happening in the past few decades (centuries ). As far as attitude towards Jewish people in the 1930's. The Jewish People were not strapping bombs to themselves and killing Germans, the Jewish people were experiencing perseceution by an Anti-Semitic government. Can you name me one major political leader within the Muslim community that condemns the acts of terror and violence that has been going on ? Can you name me one Muslim leader that talks about tolerance for the Gay Community? Can you name me one Muslim leader that has taken a stand for the rights of women? Can you name me one woman that would be considered a Muslim leader? While I see thousands of protesters on television calling for blood shed and war, where are the thousands of Muslims that take to the streets and call for an end to the violence? Name me one country (Iran, Iraq, etc) where I could go there and openly in the street criticise the government? We can do that here in the United States (tell me one person that has not seen or heard something making fun of Bush) . No, I am not going to classify all Muslims as terrorist, but I see an apparent indifferent part of the followers to try and dispel some of the images that seem to come to mind. Before anyone accuses me of not knowing what I am talking about ,( and I was in New York at the time) after 9/11 I read the Quoran from cover to cover, I looked in deep at all of the present writings and teachings of most of the present day leaders and I do not see too much of a message of peace, love or tolerance in the current teachings of. The book Reading Lolita in Tehran gives a pretty good picture. Now, in all fairness, during the Crusades when the war was being shed against the Europeans and the Moors there was quite alot of sin on both sides, but however the current situation does not seem to be a very viable one.
Well, I won't deny that Muslim terrorism is very real but these shootings don't appear to have a religious motive.

Yes I agree, this particular instant does not appear to have anything to do with terrorism.
Can you name me one major political leader within the Muslim community that condemns the acts of terror and violence that has been going on ? Can you name me one Muslim leader that talks about tolerance for the Gay Community? Can you name me one Muslim leader that has taken a stand for the rights of women? Can you name me one woman that would be considered a Muslim leader? While I see thousands of protesters on television calling for blood shed and war, where are the thousands of Muslims that take to the streets and call for an end to the violence?

I think the statement below answers the question why you don't see any of the things asked above. :whip:

Name me one country (Iran, Iraq, etc) where I could go there and openly in the street criticise the government?
While I am not going to classify all Muslims as terrorist, I do have to say that I have not seen any type of outspoken criticism within the community over all that has been happening in the past few decades (centuries ).

Then you haven't been paying attention. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) has been doing a lot of this kind of thing, as have other groups.

""American Muslims, who unequivocally condemned today terrorist attacks on our nation, call on you to alert fellow citizens to the fact that now is a time for all of us to stand together in the face of this heinous crime."
-September 11 letter to President Bush, signed by the leaders of the American Muslim Alliance, the American Muslim Council, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Muslim American Society, the Islamic Society of North America, the Islamic Circle of North America, and the Muslim Alliance in North America. These groups represent most of the seven million Muslims in the United States. "

Can you name me one major political leader within the Muslim community that condemns the acts of terror and violence that has been going on ?

"Hijacking Planes, terrorizing innocent people and shedding blood constitute a form of injustice that can not be tolerated by Islam, which views them as gross crimes and sinful acts." --Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Ashaikh (Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Senior Ulama, on September 15th, 2001)

"What these people stand for is completely against all the principles that Arab Muslims believe in." --King Abdullah II, of Jordan; cited in Middle East Times, Sept. 28, 2001.

Can you name me one Muslim leader that talks about tolerance for the Gay Community? Can you name me one Muslim leader that has taken a stand for the rights of women? Can you name me one woman that would be considered a Muslim leader? While I see thousands of protesters on television calling for blood shed and war, where are the thousands of Muslims that take to the streets and call for an end to the violence? Name me one country (Iran, Iraq, etc) where I could go there and openly in the street criticise the government? We can do that here in the United States (tell me one person that has not seen or heard something making fun of Bush).

Irshad Manji is a leader of the Muslim LGBT movement (and she's a woman). I would point out, too, that America is not all that tolerant of gay people either. As to Muslims taking to the streets for an end to violence, I suggest you go to CAIR's website. There are some instances of street protest, but they've also been involved in far more effective means of social change.

Whether or not it is safe to criticize the US government is a matter of opinion, and varies greatly on how far your criticism goes. But if you want an example of protest in places with large Muslim populations (it's not fair to compare us to a theocracy - that's an entirely different form of government), look at southeast Asia.
I think that snake was implying was that there is not alot of talk about muslim wanting tolerance for anything... and if I'm not mistaken, nor am i a political person but the muslims have been fighting for quite some time and the ones that don't want to tend to move to america.

I also noticed that some or well really half of the muslim groups you mentioned were american muslim groups. Which i don't think count as to what snake was trying to imply.

Although you do have to take into concideration the big cultural difference of Muslims and americans. Most muslims that still live over sea's probably won't be to thrilled with most american views just as most of americans do not agree with muslim views.

I do agree with snake about there regards for women. They make there women cover themselves except their eyes. They have to walk behind the men. Men are allowed to beat there women for whatever reason. They are not allowed to hold jobs. They can be raped and killed with little to no care... you hear about this all the time. It's not huge news to most people.

Now in america and i suppose american muslims it's different. They've adopted some american social norms you could say and women are allowed to drive hold jobs and actually have rights that they don't have in their own country.

Like I said I'm no political genius...

As for the kid.. not sure.. figure he just wanted to make a statement like every other kid who picks up a gun and shoots people with the same excuse " I was picked on I was bullied"
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