Music Appreciation - Design student Final Year Project


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Hi all,

I am currently undertaking my 4th and final year of Industrial Design at the University of NSW (Australia) and we are currently undertaking the initial research into our Final Year Projects (the basis of our professional graduate portfolios).

I am looking into music appreciation/the experience of music for the partially or profoundly deaf. I have started researching journal papers and reading up on experiments that have been conducted around the world to identify and highlight the various ways in which music can be appreciated or experienced other than through audio stimulation.

I do not want to offend anyone by conducting this project as someone with full hearing; I would like to be able to help those who do appreciate music and the emotion/experience behind it, as I feel currently although there is research into this field in particular, there is potential room for improvement.

Obviously I cannot get further than preliminary research in this project without being able to understand, empathize and relate to the personal feelings of those affected, and thus I would like to be able to find out your experiences in terms of your personal music experiences, or would like to experience, or at least gain a little insight one way or another.

I would greatly appreciate anyone's assistance and how your experience, appreciation or engagement with music can be improved and positively impacted, no matter what you have to say on the topic. I know this has probably been covered countless times but I am looking for purely personal thoughts, comments etc.

Thank you for your time!
I'm hard of hearing and I've always preferred music that has a strong beat/rhythm. Little frills and subtleties are lost on me.