Mother/Fathers with Kids (Struggling)

screw everyone what they think of your boy. you know your boy very well. as long as he looks happy and do eat something at least then let him be. my boy looks thin compare with his classmate. But i know my boy is going to be a chubby little in a few years or i m dead wrong. lol.
Well, what about custard?

It's not that fattening and it's delicious. Even more delicious when you warm it up and put sliced bananas in it. Your son will love it.

You could make some icypoles by putting fruits and water together then insert it in the freezer. He'll enjoy sucking on it especially when it's hot also when his new teeth comes thru.
sounds yum! potassium in banana = excellent. my son's always under 5th percentile, at 0 one point :shock: now finally in 15th. my little man's growing!! :D thank you for encouraging words.

custard??, could try. he needs some FATTENING food! ;) it'd be fun food coloring them too! :P oh, yes, we have that! ice rocket-shaped holders, fun to make but he doesn't know how to hold it up yet!! lol. soon...really soon. he gnaws on frozen green onions and/or celery to help with teething. green onions are known to numb gums (naturally). natural 'herbs'. it helped Cly a lot when two front/bottom teeth first cut out. no new teeth yet!!! come on molars, come out!!
sounds yum! potassium in banana = excellent. my son's always under 5th percentile, at 0 one point :shock: now finally in 15th. my little man's growing!! :D thank you for encouraging words.

miss del, custard?? lol....could try. it'd be fun food coloring them too! :P oh, yes, we have that! ice rocket-shaped holders, fun to make but he doesn't know how to hold it up yet!! lol. soon. really soon. he gnaws on frozen green onions and/or celery to help with teething. no new teeth yet!!! come on molars, come out!!

No food colouring in custard!

Here's the recipe.

Traditional vanilla custard

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 cup milk
1 cup thickened cream
1 vanilla bean (see note)
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon cornflour
1/3 cup caster sugar

Rest of info is on this Traditional Vanilla Custard Recipe -

You could make fruit ice cubes. Surely that's something he can hold on to?
aw.. no food coloring? pfft a little won't hurt. I always food color my meals, it's more fun that way!

yup, we do. Cly eats most pureed food so whatever's leftover, I toss them into ice cube tray then we can take out cubes when we go out and they'll thaw/mushed by lunch/dinnertime. easy! he especially likes veggy cubes best.

thaaank youu for the link.
only food he dislike very much is prune and spinach lol. normal.

the child has more taste buds than adult... thus is more sensitive to taste but he will eat prune and spinach when he's grown up.

makes you wonder why we young people hate grapefruit but old fart loves it.
the child has more taste buds than adult... thus is more sensitive to taste but he will eat prune and spinach when he's grown up.

makes you wonder why we young people hate grapefruit but old fart loves it.
lol... let's hope so! to this day, quarter of my life, I hate (cooked) spinach, prunes and grapefruits! cannot stand them. :o

I heard that if you add sugars on grapefruit it'd help... the bitterness, is the skin of inside grapefruit, you need to peel that off as well, helps a lot too. or something. I'm not gonna try!

botts, glad to be my guest? LOL.
I love grapefruit since I was a kid. :mad2: so are you calling me old fart even if i were a kid? jiro???
I heard that if you add sugars on grapefruit it'd help... the bitterness, is the skin of inside grapefruit, you need to peel that off as well, helps a lot too. or something. I'm not gonna try!


yeah i used to put sugar on grapefruit, and it was so delicious. I stopped adding sugars on it and it tastes great without sugars. well jiro called me, "old fart." so there you go. haha