More Work for Mother

I was going to get the wooden tongs, but then I decided the whole thing was ridiculous and annoying, and went for the toaster oven instead. Your set-up sounds good; I wouldn't mind having something like that.

I do like this "return to the crafts" sort of movement that we have going on, but as the original article pointed out, will these things again become a necessity? Will working women start (or continue??) to feel like they're not "doing things right" if they don't make meals from scratch, so on and so forth?

I think of my grandmother, and talk about cooking "from scratch" - she raised her own chickens, had a vegetable garden at the farm, a couple of apple trees, a peach tree, and raspberry and blackberry bushes. She kept a few dairy cows. So EVERYTHING on her table came from the work of her own hands, when she was raising her family.

Admirable in many ways, and she kept her family well-fed all through the Depression, but it was an incredibly strenuous life, one I'm glad I don't have to copy.
I was thinking how addicted to telephoning/texting the mothers of today are. Hubby and I were talking tonight about how little our moms used telephones when we were kids. Maybe a couple times per day.
Well, it depends. My mom was on a bunch of committees for this and that, so she used the phone a lot.

But as far as using it to check up on us - no, not so much. And long distance was a really big deal! You just didn't call "long distance" except for really, really important things. Those minutes added up!

But everyone had pretty stationery. Letters were written quite a bit. My mom, my dad, and my grandmother all had lovely penmanship. I used to, too, but I wouldn't brag about it much these days. It's not too bad, though.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Walgreens has an app for refilling your prescriptions. It has a bar code scanner. I put the phone over the bar code on my medicine bottle. The bar code is on the label going down the bottle. The app asks me what time I want to have it ready. I pick a time and press a button. Then, I drive through the pharmacy drive though and get my medicine without going inside. I successfully avoid the frustration of ordering refills on the phone.
Merchants all have apps. I used to Dominoes app to order a pizza. Coupons are included so you can see the best deal for the pizza you want to order.
No apparently that will clean my house sadly.
Beach Girl - the class I am taking is a short 1 hour class for learning how to use PowerPoint. (yes, people, I never learned it and with comprehension issues, I don't understand the book.)

I have over 300 of my grandfather's and great=grandfather's sermons in storage and I am planning on getting them typed up. Then, my Deaf church asked if I had anything to contribute for a lesson on any Sunday morning, so I mentioned these lessons. They are thrilled and asked if I could get them into powerpoint so they could be used. I figure, the grandfathers would be tickled pink and pleased as punch to know they are still being used, so I said yes, I would have them little by little after the house is built.

On a side note - We had one year with no working stove or oven and this was when the microwave was already shorted out. I spent that year, cooking on 3 grills, and using an electric skillet, electric roaster and 3 crock pots. We've had birthday cakes prepared both on the grill and in a crock pot. 3 grills, because, one was for meat, one for veggies and the last for fruit. I even perfected cooking a pot of perfect rice on the grill without burning it. :giggle:
I just got done reading this book. More work for mother, by Ruth Cowan.

This book made me speechless, seriously. I'll make a quick summary about the book.

Its about the common misconception that technology advancement will reduce workload. The author used mother as an example, perfect example imo.

Before electronic age, typical mother works all day. There was no vacuum, microwave, instant stove, laundry machine, coffee machine, etc..... That time, mother had to do everything by hands, sweeping, handwashing clothes/dishes, even some mother do some farm works such as milking cow, gathering foods, etc...

Nowadays, typical mothers are still busy all day and why? Its because mother let technology takes care of job while shes doing other job such as taking picking up kids, taking them to soccer game, do shopping more often, etc.

I felt that hes writing a book about my life. I always try to find something that will do my job while I do something else.

interesting, haven't read it.