Moonchild is waiting for your questions!


New Member
Sep 7, 2007
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Hello all, what do you want to know about me? Or maybe your question is looking for advice, or maybe you want to just rattle my cage! Whatever your intent is, bring on your question and I will do my best to answer you honestly. Don't be shy, I want to get to know y'all! Hugs and love, Moon-child
Is your avator look like you?

Do you have any pets?

Where do you live?

As far as you recently join here, how do you like AllDeaf since? ya came across this sn ya have ... interesting one...
Do you enjoy looking at the moon?
Well this is a fun surprise! Lotsa questions to answer, this may be breif as my son is waiting for me to read to him....but do keep the questions coming....

I love to look at the moon, I keep track of its phase and star gaze and daydream alot!! My moods and energy seem to fluctuate with the moon. I have carved a mask of the Winter-moon for my aunt and am carving a mask of the dark side of the moon for a friend right now.

North star, I am not sure what you mean by sn, sorry I am computer stupid!! Please explain and then I will answer ya!

I was not born on the moon, but used to think I was really an alien cause I grew up not knowing I was deaf, I just knew that nothing made any sense, life was chaos, I was scared of everything and everybody, I did not want to be human, I was waiting for my alien ship to come take me home, no shit, I am serious! At 19 I found out I was deaf, not and alien and not stupid, I also realized I was not an alien, although sometimes I wish I was!!!!

My avatar pretty much looks like me, except I have curly hair, the black hair, the dark eyes and eyebrows, I like to wear lipstick and ya, maybe a wrinkle or two is missing!!!!

I have always had cats until recently, all my cats passed away from old age and my 8 year old son wanted a I got him a dog last halloween and I luv this mutt, his name is Jawa and he is my "ears" and mini-protector. He is a bishon-frise mix , but has brown and black hiar, super long and curly like, looks like a rasta dog!!!

I love all-deaf, I am learning so much about myself through reading all your guys old posts and info. Like I had no idea that I was not the only deaf chick who did not know sign. I did not grow up fitting into the hearing world and have never met anyone elkse who is deaf, so do not know the deaf world, I am starting to take a sign language course with my boyfreind at the end of the month, then once I have learned a whole bunch, I just may come out of my isolated shell and seek other deaf folk. I tend to be a social hermit, but if I could be around people who I could sign with, I just might fit in!!!

I live in calgary, alberta, Canada. I own my own house here and am living in the same neighborhood I grew up in, my neice and nephew live four doors away, my folks live two blocks away, my boyfreind lives two blocks away, and my son and nephew go to my old elementary school- that was aweird as I hated schoola nd was abused in school by awful teachers, but now the same school is full ov nurtuing and love and having come full cycle with this, all is welll!

Well,, i must go and read bedtime stories with my son, please keep the questions coming and I will try to get into your threads and ask you guys questions too. this site rules, y'all rule, Love Moon-child
Ahh Moon-child... what I mean is how did ya get around to creating your sn and what inspired ya to do so... I see ya from Alberta eh? dang 2 provinces west of moi eh...
SN means Screenname.... NorthStar wants to know why you get your name "Moon-Child" on here, and NorthStar finds it interesting that you came up with that screenname (SN) "Moon-Child" Hope this helps. :)

How did you become deaf?
How did you find out about :)
Oh, sn means screen name huh? Ok, I get it, a wee bit slow, but now on board, lol! I was born July 14th, so my astrological sign is a cancer, cancers are known as Moon-children cause that is our sun sign. So, I am a Moon-child! Nothing to far out or trippy!!!

I was born deaf and also with quite bad vision. In grade two they figured out I needed glasses, but no one ever figured out I was hard of hearing until I was 19 years old, seems impossible, but it is true! without my hearing aid I hear virtually nothing, except if someone is talking loudly right next to my ear...and without my contacts in or glasses, I can only see about 4 or 5 inches in front of me before it gets real blurry. I had to acknowledge my anger at my folks, teachers etc...when I found out I was deaf, and then I had to forgive and let it all go....but at times it still boggles my mind that no one suspected I was deaf. Hugs!!!!