Missing Deaf friend of mine


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Oct 10, 2005
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Californians, I hope you all know who my friend is. My lady friend notified me on videophone that he was with someone in her church party for "Going Away" in Fullerton, California that he wasn't suppose to be with. He was last seen on September 30th during evening. She didn't know where they're heading to. Last September 27th, I had warned him several times to STAY away from the guy I know and hate. Now something is happened. He didn't show up in my home that he supposed to come. He has been missing for 9 days now. He didn't attend classes from October 3rd to October 7th the day I filed a missing adult report. His padlock outside of the gate is still intact and unmoved, let alone a cobweb is covering it. His mom is worry and I'm worry about him as well. I didn't even know he showed up at my lady friend's church until she told me on Saturday. His mom, her friends, and I will be working around to look for him. Some deaf ppl didn't want to tell me. They know him. They won't.

There was an arguement between one couple. She warned him NOT to tell me or she'll hate him. :shock: :mad: Gawsh....making me think she's supporting the bad guy. So I told them to leave my home. One gave me a good lead, not effective tho. Another one will be emailing me soon. I'm glad. I still need more leads to give to detective.

I filed a Missing Adult report on behalf of his mother.

If you see him, please let me know in PM. OR better yet, go to the nearest PD. His name is John. He goes by the nickname "Jack." Please keep him in your prayers. Thanks.


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:( Whitewolf 1970, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that he will be found really soon. I hope that he is alright. I will keep your friend in my prayers that he will come back home soon.
Keep us informed Whitewolf. :hug:
Thanks. Right now, we're still working around to look for him. I have to let my college class professor know. Because today is a bit earliest for me, my daughter comes out of school earlier at 1:12 so I have to cancel my class for just today so I can concentrate on looking for John, then pick up my daughter from her middle school. She asked me about her "funny friend." John loves to tease and be a clown to make my kids laugh. His mom and friends are ready to go ahead because we found out yesterday, the bank and others were closed. Now they're open, we are ready to go around and see what informations we can get. What city, and where was that happen, etc. The bank will be require to bring the video tapes to Detective Bureau so they can look into the tapes.

Usually, it's difficult when a person is behind you is a victim, the guy behind the victim is a robber or any type of criminal. They look and act normal around us but never know if a person behind a victim actually has weapon. It's a rough day so we're trying to get John back home safely today hopefully. I hate to mark the calendar of how many days he has been missing. It's painful when a person looks at the calendar and feels uneasy when something happen. I'm going to keep going at it now. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything. Fingers crossed and hope we get him out of there.
Aw I'm sorry to hear about your friend missing, since you have done your part by reporting him missing, and posting it here...I will be sure to pray on this, and hopefully he will be found soon... :hug:
:eek: I'm sorry about your friend being missing, I hope he will return home safe and sound, He will be in my prayer. Please do hang in there, keep us update. :hug:
:topic: Please move this to welcme thread

wildbuffy said:
:applause: hey how are you? iam kara deaf and female..i live perth in australia, i first time alldeaf.com iam fine nice day tonight good enjoy for u..

from wildbuffy (kara) bye

Anyways back on topic, I hope they could find your friend and he is found in good health.
Thanks. I hope he is found. I'm going out now. I made a few contacts so far, nothing show up in morgues (on coordinator's request I call them), nor hospitals. Where can he be?

I'm going now to see his mom and meet her friends to the detective. I know I'm not feeling well but I have to work around much faster and speed up quickly to bring him back. :(
While, we are still working and hoping that he's back home safe.

Here is what you need to keep in mind (it's for everyone even the newbies need to read it):

  • Don't trust a new friend too fast.

  • If you are offered a ride to drive you to place or party, you need to think. You hardly even know this person. Is this person nice or dangerous? We may not know.

  • "He's a nice guy. I've been testing him, he doesn't seem to be any dangerous." Wrong. We don't know his/her backgrounds. She or he may deceived you and trick you into his home.

  • "I heard everyone is telling me that he's (she's) no good and steals money. They lied. He (she) told me they lied about him. He's (she's) a nice person to hang around. I even spend a few times with him (her)." Well, he/she may looks like it, but he/she has two different faces to show. He or she is a clever person. Never trust him or her.

  • If you meet a new friend, and some friends warn you to stay away from him/her. He/she is telling you the truth. He/she has bad experiences before or maybe their friends/relatives have experienced before. HEED the warning and listen to your inner self. Don't go with him/her.

  • Take the bus or taxi. Or join in YOUR friend's car whom you TRUST and KNOW for many years in a carpool way. Don't ever trust a new person who got into your life by becoming your friend too fast.

I have received a few emails when they clicked the link of my email on the website of mine regarding "Police and Deaf pp." One of them popped in my mind. It was about his friends and he tried to kicked them out but vice versa. Well, seems like they hardly know each other. Why do they happen to come into one's life and then wreck a havoc at their place during the party? This person said that the lady kept on calling cops on them and lied about them, she didn't live there tho. Whoooa, that's bad. Should they have not invited that person they met at other place, then nothing will happen. Sometimes, people are so nice but be careful when choosing a friend. I like forums for one thing..where you can meet friends on the forums even faster or slower than in person.

:gpost: That's just about the best advice you can give to a friend about meeting new friends. Thanks!!
Your welcome rebel. :) Thanks, Weirdo. He needs that.

Good news, I was almost coming home from college. Once I dropped my backpack, my other roommate and my kids' dad dropped a bomb on me. He's alive but not a very good look. :tears: His face shown unshaven. Dirty skin and smelling, the shirt he has on is not his (size too big). He lost a lot of weights. He supposed to stay as I instructed them to tell him, he refused. He was so nervous and scare, they told me his arms were shaken. Probably they scared him pretty bad. I told my kids' dad and the roommate not to get too close yet, because we forwarded everything to detectives. And hopefully, they will break down in pre-dawn raid tonight. His mom was scared because John had the lady with him. The lady is considered dangerous as well as the guy, she was probably watching him closely to make sure he doesn't scream, "Help." John kept saying to his mom, "I'm okay." To me, he's NOT okay. Once it is done hopefully tonight, I requested that he'll be sent to the hospital for full observations and blood test. Fingers crossed. Let's hope and continue praying for him. I wish my kids' dad and roommate dialled 911. But his mom's friend said that is the good thing but is to let Detectives handle that from there because once my other roommate verified the vehicle is blue and a van, then, that the guy! Hopefully. We will get our John back home with us. But he may stay in the hospital for a week until he'll be well enough to go home. He was hungry, I doubt that guy and his roommates never feed him because of drastically weight loss. I'll keep you post more updates soon. Thanks God he's alive. And prayers do work.
WhiteWolf i'm so glad to hear that john is alive and i hope everything goes well he will surley be in my prayers and bless you for being such a caring friend
I'm very happy hearing all these.. Glad you have him back alive as well...

Kept eye on him and make sure he's alright!!! Which it's good thing he is here and around w/you again..
i'm glad he's found!! that's good news!! He'll get the best care and will be treated for whatever happened to him.. but thankful he's alive. whew..
Yeah, I'm still waiting for the calls from both his mom and her friends and relatives. I hope everything will come smoothly. But I know it will take a while before he'll get back to normal. They should be calling me by now. I'm going to go ahead and talk to the counselor and see if he is welcome back to college. Since I've no idea what college's policy is over there where he attends. They're all worry about him.

Thanks, countrygirl. He is our family friend for many years as well as a roommate. My mom and his mom were family friends, too.

I'm still praying. And still waiting for the phone to ring. <sigh> :( Glad he's okay but he looks sore. I'm going out and continue to help his mom. I'll keep you posted what happened next. I wondering if they did raid today pre-dawn or more strategy is needed?? I'm worry.
that relief! i'm glad hes found! at least, hes alive. I'm sure hes in tragic moments right now. Hope he will get speedy recovery from sores. Pray for him. Whew!
Yeah. I hope so. And guess what??? How did that guy called my home? I checked against the address. It belongs to the neighbor next door. Same address but different apartment. No one has given my phone nbrs to that guy who has John. I didn't even give out my phone numbers. Turned out, I figure because John has my emergency contact just in case of emergency. And he also has his mom's emergency contact as well. So the guy probably grabbed it out of John's wallet while sleeping maybe? I don't know why det's haven't raid yet. His mom's friend thought too. Like I said, maybe more strategy is needed before they'll raid in? I told her that be careful since it's not John's words, they would put the words in HIS mouth. "I'm alright, I'm okay" is not his word. He is forced to use those words to avoid suspicion. I'll keep you posted. Glad my daughter didn't pick up the phone. So it shows up on the Caller I.D. :eek: :( I'm sure they'll call his mom and scared her.