Microsoft Hits Vista RC1


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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Microsoft's Windows Vista RC (Release Candidate) 1 is done. Now it's up to the estimated 6 million testers to which the company is planning to release the code to determine if it really is ready for prime time.

Microsoft has posted the RC 1 build, Number 5600, on its TechBeta Web sites for select technical beta testers, including TAP (Technology Adoption Program) partners, on September 1. Special Report: Windows Vista: Microsoft's Longhorn Client

Microsoft is planning to broaden the beta to include up to six million participants, total, some time next week, according to industry sources.

Vista Beta 2 went to more than two million testers. Microsoft officials, contacted on September 1, declined to confirm the six million figure.

RC1 is expected by testers to bear a strong resemblance to Vista Build 5536, the pre-RC-1 build that Microsoft distributed to testers one week ago.
I downloaded Vista RC1 5600 from microsoft and installed on my pc. At the beginning, my internet connection and sound card failed to work on vista then I tried and find out the solution . I downloaded beta drivers for vista and the problems was solved. now vista works fine :) I like new GUI ,too.

One weird thing is that vista 'consumes' 400 MB of Ram :werd:
I downloaded Vista RC1 5600 from microsoft and installed on my pc. At the beginning, my internet connection and sound card failed to work on vista then I tried and find out the solution . I downloaded beta drivers for vista and the problems was solved. now vista works fine :) I like new GUI ,too.

One weird thing is that vista 'consumes' 400 MB of Ram :werd:

fancy GUI needs alot of memory and more horsepower OpenGL chip requirement.
I will not going to get download window vista, because it will be remove my old window XP and my program software. :O I will not have to get one. I wait to hear upgrade window Vista.
Vista RC1 refused installing over the existing XP so I installed it on the second partition of the hard drive.
I got no candidate because my computer is old, and got in late 2003.