Message From Columbus,ohio


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
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:wackit: dat's 1 bad monkey, lol but anyhow let me introduce myself.
Hi, my name is andy i am currently 17 year old and will be 18 in april, I am hard of hearing with 2 digital hearing aids, I attend a regular school that doesn't offer too much of hard of hearing classes but a special educational class which I am in... I am in National Honor Society, Buckeye Boys State Finalist, & Boy Scout, Venture Crew & Cross country & Track and Im the only hard of hearing/deaf kid/student at my school and i feel very left alone, I do not have any deaf friends so I was searchign to find something on here to help me out!! My aim name is athleticandy88 and my yahoo id name is crosscountry5k if you like to leave me a mobile message and ill get back with you at asap. Thanks, but please I like to have some friends that understand what I go thru.. thanks again good night & enjoi. :cool:

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;) ....
hey man I too was the only deaf student in the entire school so I have an idea of what you're going through. Just ride it out till graduation and you'll be just fine chances' good that you'll meet quite a few deafies in college so no sweat man. Just because your school has next to no support doesn't mean it should stick that way. because you're hard of hearing you have the power to change the system in that scene like ie what my interp and I did- set up a sign language class so the barrier in communication between you and the other kids lessens- oh and it's fun too xD
G'day athleticandy88,
Welcome to AD. Hope you'll enjoy yourself here. There's some deaf sites where you can make friends.
Cheers! :wave:
my friend has a club in cleveland called

friends forever its a group anyone 18 or older that has any type of as she would say "special " needs .
she founded after he r son finished high school and had lost track of friends and didn't work .Now they has binog and dances and outing a fewtimes a yesar if you want ot check it out
hey thats a great idee, seems 2 me that thy enj0y hell......huh
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf athleticandy88!! I hope you will enjoy your stay with us here on AD, and make many new friends, who will always support and understand you. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! ;)