Meeting the family


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
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Ugh... I never thought introducing someone to my family would be so.. stressful. Last week my mom, her fiancee, and his son were at his daughter's house with her boyfriend and her 3 kids. My boyfriend and I went up so he could meet them. We got some good food and free cigarettes and alcohol, so that was a plus, and my step brother got me some new board shorts when we were at the beach. Everyone but my stepdad, and step sister's boyfriend liked my boyfriend.

The 3 hour ride there was hell on me! It was the first time I'd introduced a boyfriend to my family as a boyfriend. I think I was just afraid to do it because my family is very dysfunctional, it makes the Osbourn family seem normal! (I miss that show...)

All in all it was a decent experience... with some down-turns... Now that it is over, I feel like it was stupid to worry!

Why is it so weird to introduce someone to family? Or is it just me that feels odd about it?
Maybe its fear of the unknown, but you seem brave.
My family is pretty wacky, too. I figured if my DH was willing to put up with them then he definitely loved me! :lol:

Sorry that it was stressful and I'm glad it went well. :D