mcCain ruined Joe the Plumber's life

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Mar 12, 2003
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"McCain was trying to use me," Wurzelbacher said, according to public radio correspondent Scott Detrow. "I happened to be the face of middle Americans. It was a ploy.”
"I don’t owe him s—," Wurzelbacher continued. "He really screwed my life up, is how I look at it."

Joe the Plumber goes off on McCain, says he 'screwed up my life' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

How's that mavericky, victimy thing workin' for ya?! :)
yo that horrible moment

when you have to take responsibility for your own actions...

The whole business of appealling to, "Joe and Suzy Lunchbox" made me want to barf awhile.
We have been sold down the river and there are no American politicians with the power, desire, knowhow, and guts, to do anything about it. Where is Ross Perot now days? He knew.
Just wait til Rick Perry becomes President of Texas. You will see pure genius.
Just wait til Rick Perry becomes President of Texas. You will see pure genius.

Oh, are you okay now? It sounds like big government has screw your life up so sorry to hear.
It took Joe the plumber this long to realize McCain was using him? The guy can't be too bright if he did not know he was being used !
Oh, are you okay now? It sounds like big government has screw your life up so sorry to hear.

Lol...Nothing has screwed up my life. I have a great life. Thanks for your concern though.

It won't happen. :)

Of course I was kidding. But he would be a great choice if TX does secede. TX would be crazy not to secede. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in the next 100 years.
Lol...Nothing has screwed up my life. I have a great life. Thanks for your concern though.

I'm just sarcasm. :D

Big government could be sucks sometime.
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