Marvel superhero aids 4-year-old with hearing loss


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Apr 5, 2004
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Marvel superhero aids 4-year-old with hearing loss
Marvel superhero aids 4-year-old with hearing loss | Local News - WMUR Home

A 4-year-old boy in Salem who decided he did not want to wear his blue hearing aid to school anymore received some new inspiration after Marvel Comics designed a superhero after him.

Christina D'Allesandro said her son Anthony Smith can not hear out of his right ear and has hearing loss in his left ear. She said Anthony woke up one day and decided that he did not want to wear his blue hearing aid.

"Basically, one day he woke up and I said, 'OK, time to put in your hearing aid,' and said, 'Let's put in blue ear.' We've always called it that. And he said, 'No, superheroes don't wear blue ears,'" D'Allesandro said.

D'Allesandro assured her son that superheroes did wear hearing aids. She said she wanted to make sure, so she emailed the experts at Marvel Comics in New York City.

Marvel sent back a comic book cover featuring Hawkeye, a superhero who lost his hearing. D'Allesandro said her son was captivated by the image.

Marvel then sent a drawing of a new superhero inspired by Anthony: Blue Ear. Another sketch arrived portraying Hawkeye and Blue Ear together.

Anthony's grandfather, N.H. Sen. Lou D'Allesandro, said he was happy to hear of Marvel's help.

"This is a feel-good moment. This is a feel-good story, and we've got to get the world to recognize that," he said.

Christina D'Allesandro said Anthony, like Blue Ear, is proud to wear his hearing aid and share his good news with others at his school for children with hearing loss. The school had a superhero week, and a costume has been ordered for Anthony.

D'Allesandro said she hopes to finally meet and thank the heroes at Marvel Comics some day.
1) I love comic books
2) Hawkeye was late deafened [in only 1 ear if I recall] and refused to wear his hearing aid during an interview with David Letterman for fear villians would learn of his disability [hijinks ensued]
3) Supergirl helped save a Deaf School [ even if Leonard Kirk, the artist, did accidentally mis-copy the manual alphabet on the letters page]
4) i forget what four was for
Bribery! :roll:

He is going to have to wear the hearing aid anyway. It isn't bribery at all.

I think it's great that they did this for a hard of hearing kid to look cool to his peer group.
He is going to have to wear the hearing aid anyway. It isn't bribery at all.

I think it's great that they did this for a hard of hearing kid to look cool to his peer group.

It is so when I say bribery. I refuse to change my mind about it. I feel sorry for the kid being betray by them. It is all make-up comic book. Geeze.

And what about Santa Claus? It is all make up and not real but people want to believe it. I think that is terrible anyone has to be brainwash thinking that it is real. Get real with realities, please. Not fantasy. :roll: