Marvel at the beauty of Michael Moore's 10,000 sq ft summer mansion!

For me I watched congress create the mess that lead to the housing bubble, the market crash, Fanny and Freddy, the bailouts, etc...
To blame wealthy individuals instead of Washington is very misguided to me.

So if you don't want to blame the wealthy individuals, who do you want to 'blame' for the cause?
Dubya Bush? I mean, he's the one who went on with de-regulation.
Henry Paulson? Well, Dubya appointed him ....
With all due respect, they are not crystal clear. I've been down to Occupy Philly and between the Che Guevara flags, the signs for legalizing weed, the signs for the end of capitalism, the anarchists, the socialists, the labor unions, the drum circles, the signs for debt forgiveness, etc...

There is no common goal, which they admit. That's why they have general assembly every day to vote by "direct democracy" what they want.

If the occupy movement is against bailouts for the rich, then yes Michael Moore took tax payer money as subsidies to get money back on his last film.

That's called a bailout.

Do you know Michael Moore? That seems to go against his grain.
With all due respect, they are not crystal clear. I've been down to Occupy Philly and between the Che Guevara flags, the signs for legalizing weed, the signs for the end of capitalism, the anarchists, the socialists, the labor unions, the drum circles, the signs for debt forgiveness, etc...

There is no common goal, which they admit. That's why they have general assembly every day to vote by "direct democracy" what they want.
I didn't say goal. I said target. They're targeting the 1% aka Wall Street Fat Cats.

If the occupy movement is against bailouts for the rich, then yes Michael Moore took tax payer money as subsidies to get money back on his last film.

That's called a bailout.
ssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh............. please don't make me lose respect for you. I'd like to think you're an intelligent individual but if you're going to keep up with fallacious statement like this... I'll have to ask orderlies to take you back to your room.
This thread came to a screeching halt. Do I smell or something?
I detect pure jealousy over Michael Moore's power to change people's thinking, even though the issue is his moolah.
This thread came to a screeching halt. Do I smell or something?

Naw. Give them time to confer with the websites, and they'll be back.:cool2: Takes longer to reply when you have to go somewhere else to find what you want to say instead of coming up with it spontaneously

And you are questioning Michael Moore's financial status and the ways in which he obtained it?:laugh2:

Michael Moore is a 100% self mad millionaire and I have no problems with the way he made it.

My one problem is the tax credit he received from MI taxpayers. He's rich enough and so is the studio that released the film. Taxpayers should not be funding it.

“He got caught in his own rhetoric and double standards,” Cassis said. “He decried capitalism and big corporations getting government handouts, and he asked for a handout himself from all the taxpayers of Michigan.

Yup. Sounds like a 1 percenter to me.
I detect pure jealousy over Michael Moore's power to change people's thinking, even though the issue is his moolah.

Really? How does he change people's thinking?

Remember that time he helped defeat Bush in 2004?

Michael Moore helps my side the best, the more he speaks the more he becomes a self parody of himself.

He fits into every negative stereotype that people have of liberals. I only wish he was able to make even more films!
:hmm: where did I claim Moore used money from his foundation to purchase his house? I believe you are mistaken.

that's for other ADer and as for you - Post #262 and #268
Michael Moore is a 100% self mad millionaire and I have no problems with the way he made it.

My one problem is the tax credit he received from MI taxpayers. He's rich enough and so is the studio that released the film. Taxpayers should not be funding it.

2 questions -

1. do you know what he did with that money?
2. do you know how much he made from his movies?
Michael Moore is a 100% self mad millionaire and I have no problems with the way he made it.

My one problem is the tax credit he received from MI taxpayers. He's rich enough and so is the studio that released the film. Taxpayers should not be funding it.

I agree, he's simply mad. :lol:
Really? How does he change people's thinking?

Remember that time he helped defeat Bush in 2004?

Michael Moore helps my side the best, the more he speaks the more he becomes a self parody of himself.

He fits into every negative stereotype that people have of liberals. I only wish he was able to make even more films!

Oh, no, I can't believe you ask me that. :shock:

And yeah, I also wish he is making more films. They will influence a lot of folk. (hint)
So if you don't want to blame the wealthy individuals, who do you want to 'blame' for the cause?
Dubya Bush? I mean, he's the one who went on with de-regulation.
Henry Paulson? Well, Dubya appointed him ....

If you're talking De Regulation, we're talking about glass steagal repealed by Clinton. But I don't blame Clinton or GS.

I don't blame deregulation.