Married with separate checking accounts

We do discuss large (and not so large) purchases together before making them.

Same here. :)
I personally know someone who was married. They each had their own accounts plus a joint account. When they got divorced, the woman cleaned out the joint account. I don't really like the idea of joint account very much. You never know who may clear out your account. There are people that do marry for money. Be careful.
I have no problem with couples who prefer joint accounts. Our system of separate accounts works best for us, especially with TCS having to use his for business, and having an irregular income. When I was working, my income was also very irregular, and some checks (so small) were cashed instead of deposited.

TCS and I never had to worry about either of us marrying for money. :lol:
we have seperate accounts,had this argument with my son and wife thy got joint account but with us something needs paying for then the one who there pay for it,husband pays all bills as he got more money coming women spent many years fighting for equality and a separate bank account was one objective
I think I've had a checking account since about 1970, so I don't remember not ever having one.
My wife and I have separate checking/saving accounts and we can access to either accounts. The reason for that, it helped to keep track our own expenses. As far as bills go, she only have to pay for food and water where I pay for mtg, internet, TV, phone, mine and her credit cards (of course she pay her credit card but she couldn't put enough to pay it off so I helped her to pay her CC, like she put in $100 and I put in $300), her car loan, and all the insurances.

Some people asked me why I help her CC, it's not only she keep spending money on clothing (very small portion of that) but the major one is her children medical/dental (and sometime car) expenses, both of her children don't have insurance. I support her because I want to make sure her children raised healthy and I care about them (and my children as well). Plus there are many other factors.

So, having my own account helped me to keep track better with billing and other stuff.
Married With Separate Checking Accounts |

With my ex-hubby, we had a joint bank account and we ended up arguing constantly about money. We ended up spending money without each other knowing about it and end up being short on cash. It just became too confusing to keep on each other's tabs.

With my current hubby, we have a separate bank account and not once we have argued about money. Instead we argue about other things like cleaning up the house. lol

Some people say that it is awful for a married couple to have a separate bank account and that it means that they don't trust nor love each other. I don't understand that theory.

I definitely think that it takes communication for a lot of problems in a relationship and when it comes to a bank account my boyfriend and I will just discuss something that we will be buying with the money in our accounts. We also have the alerts on our phones and emails to let us know about the balance so we don't go over. But whatever works best for you is important. I hate when money is argued about...
I wouldn't have a joint account. I bust my butt at two jobs, and make pretty good money. I've been in some terrible situations before, and seen plenty. They can have their money, and I'll have mine. Plus, I always seem to date irresponsible broke people.... ( WTF they seemed fine when we first started dating!?!? ) Anyway, I'd never do it.... if they threw a fit about it, that's more of a reason not to do it too.
I had Joint account for, um 7 years. I didn't have issues so far and I don't see reason why need separate accounts
Separate checking accounts for 8 years with my hubby. Not once we argued about money.
For craft-making, my wife spent alot of money on supplies which were on sale. Thank God, we have separate accounts. You wouldn't believe your own eyes when you see her stuffs. Currently she has at least 50 med-sized boxes of them. Even her family (parents and siblings) were shocked to see that many boxes.
My wife and I have had separate checking accounts from the outset, never once a fight about money. We fight about other crap, mostly about me mishearing what is said to me or thinking others are mumbling when speaking. Go figure...
My parents have always kept separate checking accounts (with each one having access to the other) incase one account has a little less money in it, they can use the other person's account if need be.

They keep track of spending that way and helps them set a budget for each month that comes out of the accounts. Any spare bit of money is both of theirs and/or money they put away. I remember when I was a child they would sit down, discussing in Japanese their financial plans and how to keep money separate yet combine it to pay bills and so forth.

It always has been one of my fond memories looking back and seeing my parents sit down and work things through like that. Makes me smile just thinking about it because they would put time aside to use the time together to joke about many different things they wanted to buy (a house or a new car) or use the time to sit down and ask how things are going.

I don't remember if they ever thought of their money as their own or what...I've never asked.

I could see how a joint account would be nice but it would never have worked with my parents since that was one of their times they could sit down and agree on something so easily.
seperate accounts who ever got the money in our house pay for what ever is needed or we share with our own hard worked for money
Whatever works best for the couple is best for finances. For us we have a joint account. We are still best friends. He and I have similar philosophies about finances but he is much more generous and I am much thriftier. It works out well like that, a good balance.

He is still my best friend.