Mark Crispin Miller: "First of all, this election was definitely rigged"


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Apr 3, 2004
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Mark Crispin Miller is a media critic, professor of communications at New York University, and author, most recently, of "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order."

First of all, this election was definitely rigged. I have no doubt about it. It's a statistical impossibility that Bush got 8 million more votes than he got last time. In 2000, he got 15 million votes from right-wing Christians, and there are approximately 19 million of them in the country. They were eager to get the other 4 million. That was pretty much Karl Rove's strategy to get Bush elected.

But given Bush's low popularity ratings and the enormous number of new voters -- who skewed Democratic -- there is no way in the world that Bush got 8 million more votes this time. I think it had a lot to do with the electronic voting machines. Those machines are completely untrustworthy, and that's why the Republicans use them. Then there's the fact that the immediate claim of Ohio was not contested by the news media -- when Andrew Card came out and claimed the state, not only were the votes in Ohio not counted, they weren't even all cast. I would have to hear a much stronger argument for the authenticity, or I should say the veracity, of this popular vote for Bush before I'm willing to believe it. If someone can prove to me that it happened, that Bush somehow pulled 8 million magic votes out of a hat, OK, I'll accept it. I'm an independent, not a Democrat, and I'm not living in denial.

And that's not even talking about Florida, which is about as Democratic a state as Guatemala used to be. The news media is obliged to make the Republicans account for all these votes, and account for the way they were counted. Simply to embrace this result as definitive is irrational. But there is every reason to question it ... I find it beyond belief that the press in this formerly democratic country would not have made the integrity of the electoral system a front page, top-of-the-line story for the last three years. I worked and worked and worked to get that story into the media, and no one touched it until your guy did.

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Indeed, that does make sense. It is virtually impossible for Bush to get more votes with his bad record...
It could be....the fact his popularity ratings was so low, I was pretty surprised that more than 50 percent of American voted for him anyway. Go figure. :dizzy:
ive ALWAYS believed it was rigged BOTH 2000 elections and the 2004 elections
I agree with what Miller has written about what has happened last Tuesday.

It gets my goat that a President with such a shitty approval rating up and suddenly wins the election.

Right now I hear Bev Harris at http://www, is currently gathering more information especially logs off the Liebold and other DRE touchscreen machines. Hopefully may find something that might bring down the damned machines after all.

This reminds me of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's quote concerning voting, democracy and fascism:

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes."
-Josef Stalin
From everything I've seen lately Bush has between a 51 - 52% approval rating. Why then is it so hard to believe that he won?
In fact in a Times poll, when people were asked who they would vote for, the answer was 52% Bush.
According to, 51% of Americans say they are pleased with the outcome of the election.
Psa182 said:
From everything I've seen lately Bush has between a 51 - 52% approval rating. Why then is it so hard to believe that he won?
In fact in a Times poll, when people were asked who they would vote for, the answer was 52% Bush.
According to, 51% of Americans say they are pleased with the outcome of the election.
One word: ignorance. That's all, really... He used people's ignorance so well and the result is sooo fascinating. About '51 - 52% approval rating' No, no. It is 44 - 48% approval rating. To remind you something else, Washington DC is full of politicans, politic-conscious citizens, larger numbers of educated people, etc etc... and know how many did they vote for Bush? Merely 9%. Yes you heard me right, it is only nine percent. They know what he is really like and they don't want him. Heck, even though that 9/11 happens in NYC and larger percent of NYC gave the gesture message to the Chimp: 'Up Yours'.

And about your 'In fact in a Times poll, when people were asked who they would vote for, the answer was 52% Bush.
According to, 51% of Americans say they are pleased with the outcome of the election.'

The fact is: There are more republicans in these polls, check the stats information and you will understand why. If gallup ask equal numbers between independents, democrats and republicans. I guarantee you that Kerry will be leading effortlessly in these polls. Most of these polls have higher percent of republicans than democrats so they can make the stats look good for Bush. It is no-brainer stuff.

And here's example what 80% of world think of Bushies:


I couldn't say any better than that :)
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sablescort said:
This reminds me of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's quote concerning voting, democracy and fascism:
Yeah, and the Soviets always used paper ballots (no touch screens). :D
Magatsu said:
One word: ignorance.
It seems that anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is "ignorant".

To remind you something else, Washington DC is full of politicans, politic-conscious citizens, larger numbers of educated people, etc etc... and know how many did they vote for Bush? Merely 9%. Yes you heard me right, it is only nine percent. They know and they don't want him.
Let me remind you of something. Almost all of the senior politicians and military leaders that live in the Washington district are registered to vote in their home states, not DC. A majority of professionals who work in DC, actually live (and vote) in MD, VA, and DE. Most of the registered voters of DC are residents living in the "inner city" of Washington.

And here's example what 80% of world think of Bushies:
So? The Daily Mirror is a tabloid rag, not a legitimate news source. That is the same paper that printed the fake pictures and story of "soldiers abusing Iraqi women."
Reba said:
It seems that anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is "ignorant".

Let me remind you of something. Almost all of the senior politicians and military leaders that live in the Washington district are registered to vote in their home states, not DC. A majority of professionals who work in DC, actually live (and vote) in MD, VA, and DE. Most of the registered voters of DC are residents living in the "inner city" of Washington.

So? The Daily Mirror is a tabloid rag, not a legitimate news source. That is the same paper that printed the fake pictures and story of "soldiers abusing Iraqi women."
There are more offshore journals & news included Europe's top news agenda 'Guardian' stated that Bushies are stupid. I guess you keep your eyes closed to these... as I said above, ignorance is magical weapon for Bush to use on you folks. That's totally understandable because ignorance is bliss after all, right? :)

About DC, no you are wrong and wrong. My pals and many people that I know lived in there will disagree with you wholeheartly. I would argue with you more deeply about that but based on your post, ignorance already set in and hold it firmly. Pray tell why did 20 - 30% of old traditional republicans jumped off and support Kerry? There will be more old traditional republicans jump off within four years to support someone else.

About your 'It seems that anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion is "ignorant".' comment.

Practice what you preach first before you can spew nonsense about that. You christians kept saying that gay marriage is immoral and yet you accepted Bush's lies or encourage so-called 'crusade' war that killed more than fuckin 100,000 innocent civilians in country where there is no fuckin' such thing as WMD. It is totally immoral for Bush to claim that he is the 'christ' in one of rallys, I kid you not. There are many things that Bush did is totally immoral and yet you kneel and praise for him. It is against Ten Commandents to lie to someone else, your 'christ' kept lied to people again, again and again... How can you not see that? So therefore it is 'ignorance'. No? Again, pray tell why did 80% of world puzzled why bushies are that stupid. That's great numbers... it means that something definitely wrong with you people.

Edit: The truth is that you people simply don't care and all you do care about your so-called moral issues. Ironcially that there are many republicans who are pedophiles and such and have higher percent of divorces than non-republicans/christians... I have the evidences to prove that and I didn't even bother to wonder why. I simply know why, intelligent women does not like to be oppressed by christian men.

To be honest with you, I am done with this topic because this is getting heat between you and me. I don't really need this, what is one different thing between you and me, I actually genuinely care about people who suffered by Chimp and his poor presidential skills while you seemingly only care about your so-called moral values.

Oh also since you are a christian (that if my memory serves me correctly), you should know that Jesus does not allow us to discriminate against or enforce our judgements on others (example: homosexuals). Where did Jesus failed you christians? Where? When? How? What? Why? I used the 'ignorance' comment on these christians who voted for Chimp based on moral values & anti-gay marriage. because that's what they did is totally immoral.

I bet you if Jesus is alive and well, he would not approve Chimp at all for his oppression, hundreds of lies, more... Anyway I have to be a liberal as much as Jesus can so I better stop talking about judgement/fake moral values stuffs with you. One more thing before I leave, Chimp stated that he wants to install the philosophy of Old Testament in schools & governments... I just realized that whoever voted for Chimp must be not believe in Jesus? Why Old Testament? Because of stoning people who they find dislike in them? Because these christian men allow to oppress women? Because women have restricted rights? Etc etc? Now that is scary.

ok, I am done and going back to exposing some more bad/terrible news about Bush/Bushies. Later.
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Magatsu said:
It is totally immoral for Bush to claim that he is the 'christ' in one of rallys, I kid you not.
Do you have a transcript of that? Where is your proof?

There are many things that Bush did is totally immoral and yet you kneel and praise for him.
No, I worship no man. I only kneel and praise Jesus Christ.

I am beginning to think that you really don't know what is truth and what is a lie. You are quick to label anyone "ignorant" or "stupid" just because they don't believe the accusations that you make.

If you really want to make your point, and convince people that you are right, can you do it without name-calling and using "f***" words? Or are your arguments so factually weak that you depend on insult words to support your statements?
"FAKE" pics?
I had these on file for some time now but the website is used to be

Hmmm, guess the website is still there...
Don't you DARE tell us that there is no abuse nor torture going on in our military prisons, that is a total INSULT to intelligent people...


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Read more above. I edited to add more.

I am DONE with this. Bushies' moral values freak me out.
Beowulf said:
"FAKE" pics?
I had these on file for some time now but the website is used to be

Hmmm, guess the website is still there...
Don't you DARE tell us that there is no abuse nor torture going on in our military prisons, that is a total INSULT to intelligent people...
Keep in mind, three things about these Bushies (I learned that from Guardian news)

1): Massive denial
2): Ignorance
3): Oppression

That's three things that define these Bushies. I will pm you Guardian's article once I find it.. Anyway I am DONE with this for real.

Edit: Reba, my apologize for my unusual heated talks. I just fed up with people who does not give any damn about dead people and people who suffered by Chimp and his poor presidential skills.
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Beowulf said:
"FAKE" pics?
The newspaper admitted they used staged pictures from a porno website.

Don't you DARE tell us that there is no abuse nor torture going on in our military prisons, that is a total INSULT to intelligent people...
I didn't say that. I was telling about that specific newspaper and its fake story. Please pay attention.

Yes, there was prisoner abuse, and it was investigated, and the soldiers were tried (court martial), and punished.
Magatsu said:
Ironcially that there are many republicans who are pedophiles and such and have higher percent of divorces than non-republicans/christians... I have the evidences to prove that and I didn't even bother to wonder why.

I simply know why, intelligent women does not like to be oppressed by christian men.
Intelligent women do not like to be oppressed by any men. Intelligent men do not need to oppress women.

I don't really need this, what is one different thing between you and me, I actually genuinely care about people who suffered by Chimp and his poor presidential skills while you seemingly only care about your so-called moral values.
So, who is being judgmental? It seems like you are quick to judge my motives and values. I thought only Republicans were "judgmental". (BTW, I am not a Republican). If a person doesn't have moral values, then how does a person decide what is right or wrong?

Oh also since you are a christian (that if my memory serves me correctly)
Correct. should know that Jesus does not allow us to discriminate against or enforce our judgements on others (example: homosexuals).
Actually, Jesus does want us to use discernment (judgment based on Scripture) in making our decisions about right and wrong living. He commands us to separate ourselves from sin, and to speak out against sin. That does NOT mean we are allowed to call people bad names, physically attack them, or deprive them of basic civil rights.

Where did Jesus failed you christians?
Jesus never fails anyone. We fail Him, especially when we are weak against sin.

I bet you if Jesus is alive and well...
Hallelujah, He lives!

Chimp stated that he wants to install the philosophy of Old Testament in schools & governments... Because of stoning people who they find dislike in them? Because these christian men allow to oppress women? Because women have restricted rights?
Those are not God's principles of the Old Testament.

ok, I am done and going back to exposing some more bad/terrible news about Bush/Bushies. Later.
Whatever floats your boat.
Magatsu said:
I just fed up with people who does not give any damn about dead people and people who suffered by Chimp and his poor presidential skills.
You have no idea how much I care about dead people, especially innocent dead people. I believe you when you say that you care about dead people. You and I disagree about who and what caused the deaths.
Magatsu said:
Keep in mind, three things about these Bushies (I learned that from Guardian news)

1): Massive denial
2): Ignorance
3): Oppression

So you're saying that if someone voted for Bush than they are in massive denial, ignorant, and oppressive? First, for the sake of argument, let's put denial and ignorance aside. Oppressive? That's quite an accusation to make when you don't know MOST of the Bush supporters.

Second, you keep claiming how vile and terrible Bush is but I haven't seen you give anything that supports your claims. You also keep saying "so and so think he's horrible" and the like but does that mean you dislike him simply because you are told to? Try using evidence and facts instead of childish tantrums.