Many Look to get rid of 'R' Word


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Apr 22, 2007
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Local Experts Say Word 'Retarded' Is Hurtful, Not Acceptable

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- If you look up the word "retarded" in the dictionary, you'll see definitions like disabled, handicapped or to be delayed. But Charlotte Temple, of ARC Jacksonville, said the word is being misused.

"The word retarded is part of a word that you would use in a medical diagnosis," Temple said. "Calling people retarded has now moved over and crossed the line."

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is catching heat over how he recently used the word to describe a group of Democrats. Even though Emanuel has apologized, the movement to ban the word is now stronger than ever.

"I definitely think it's an opportunity to open discussion," Temple said.

The Web site - Change the conversation..., which is backed by the Special Olympics, has had more than 58,000 people sign a pledge vowing never to use the word again.

Video: Experts Say Word Is Hurtful

Florida schools now use the phrase "intellectually disabled."

Just two years ago, the American Association on Mental Retardation changed its name to incorporate the terms "intellectual and developmental disabilities."

"There's a lot of movement in the whole disability arena to use less labeling and use more people-first, respectful, dignified language," said Dr. Kristine Webb, who directs the Disability Resource Center at UNF.

Webb said the reason why there's so much movement for change is simple -- because so many have been hurt. She said she's seen it first-hand.

"Just that one word is very, very hurtful and can define someone beyond what we would ever want to do," Webb said. "It's just not an acceptable word to use."

Many Look To Get Rid Of 'R' Word - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville
Local Experts Say Word 'Retarded' Is Hurtful, Not Acceptable

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- If you look up the word "retarded" in the dictionary, you'll see definitions like disabled, handicapped or to be delayed. But Charlotte Temple, of ARC Jacksonville, said the word is being misused.

"The word retarded is part of a word that you would use in a medical diagnosis," Temple said. "Calling people retarded has now moved over and crossed the line."

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is catching heat over how he recently used the word to describe a group of Democrats. Even though Emanuel has apologized, the movement to ban the word is now stronger than ever.

"I definitely think it's an opportunity to open discussion," Temple said.

The Web site - Change the conversation..., which is backed by the Special Olympics, has had more than 58,000 people sign a pledge vowing never to use the word again.

Video: Experts Say Word Is Hurtful

Florida schools now use the phrase "intellectually disabled."

Just two years ago, the American Association on Mental Retardation changed its name to incorporate the terms "intellectual and developmental disabilities."

"There's a lot of movement in the whole disability arena to use less labeling and use more people-first, respectful, dignified language," said Dr. Kristine Webb, who directs the Disability Resource Center at UNF.

Webb said the reason why there's so much movement for change is simple -- because so many have been hurt. She said she's seen it first-hand.

"Just that one word is very, very hurtful and can define someone beyond what we would ever want to do," Webb said. "It's just not an acceptable word to use."

Many Look To Get Rid Of 'R' Word - Jacksonville News Story - WJXT Jacksonville

I am currently taking 'Psychology & the Exceptional Child' this semester. And the Professor was really adamant about not using 'retarded' unless it is a medical diagnosis.
I work in a gaming store and gaming internet cafe. And the use of 'retard' & 'retarded' is considered a curse while I am working. I actually kicked a small group of kids out cause they repeatedly used that term casually. I hate it.
Glad they're looking to stop using that word

We never used R word when I was growing up. They must have stopped using it in the 1970's or so. I'll ask my mother.
I'm pretty sure I've said this in related posts. And I'm gonna say it again.

Speech can't be legislated! It just doesn't work. It can't be enforced very well and even if it could, people would just find another word with the same message behind it.
I'm pretty sure I've said this in related posts. And I'm gonna say it again.

Speech can't be legislated! It just doesn't work. It can't be enforced very well and even if it could, people would just find another word with the same message behind it.

That's true but how one address another in school or workplace can be subjected to guideline or policy.