manipulation and abuse from RNID BATH


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Jan 4, 2011
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I am the parent of a deaf vunerable adult, This is my story of what has happened to my son since i placed him with the royal national institute for the deaf. He lived with me until he was forty years old. He attended doncaster college for the deaf and gained qualifications for landscape gardening. The reason I moved my son into supported living Was to increase his independence and opportunities available to him. All the Rnid have done for my son is to neglect, abuse and manipulate him. They took advantage of his vunerablility and employed a Physco drama therapist who has worked with him for over four years to make him assertive towards me. This is because I was raising my concerns over his care. As a result of the therapy I have not seen my son for three years. I have complained to the local authority who only investigated this in house, I was told there was no evidence that Rnid do not keep adequate records. I complained to the commissioner of supported care who reported they do not investigated supported living care. I went to the court of protection who ignores my concerns, They told me they do not have any jurisdiction to deal with this. My son is extremley vunerable due to his leanrning disability. I went to my Mp who said there is nothing he can do. Both my son and I are being denied the right to see each other and I feel my son has been kidnapped by RNID purely for financial reasons. My advice to other parents is DO NOT hand over vunerable sons or daughters into the care of the rnid without insuring they have a say in there future and how they are treated. It is the Rnid in bath who are responsible for the abuse of my son, You too could lose your vunerable loved one same as I have because I totally trusted RNID. RNID are changing ther name to "action fot the deaf." june 2011.
Having a vulnerable deaf son over 40 years still living at home suggest something is "more than" being deaf.Not living in the U K no knowledge why RNID would even consider "taking your son" in the first place.

As for 4 years of discussion re being "assertive" suggest "problems may be somewhere else".

Is the fact of his being "deaf" ( from birth?) compounding whatever difficulties your son has?

Hard to make any suggestion re: a 40 old deaf person in the facilities of the state to "assist" him-not being "useful".

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