makeup and hair help? ladies only


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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I couldn't find a thread where i can post this, but if its in the wrong post moderators can move it :)

I need some help on some eyeshadow, I have hazel eyes, and i've been using alot of brown eyeshadow. But what are some other colors that i can use for my eyes? Also, what kind of eyeliner is best? i have tried using eyeliner but it doesn't really look good on me as i would like it to. I can't find a good lip gloss either. I have kind of a small lip (my mom doesn't think i do but i believe i do.) with a light pink color. I use foundation, my skin is a very light color. and i have freckles across my nose and underneath my eyes. but the foundation covers it up. I have a selena gomez haircut, like a bobcut. but it looks more like this

but except its a little shorter on me. I always pull my hair back into a pony tail, but my mom is always nagging on me about leaving it down. I pull it up for band, because my hair (plus my bangs) always gets into my face when i look down. I want some cute fun ideas on what to do with my hair on this kind of style.

any ideas?
Oh honey there are tons you can do, really its hard to say without seeing your face and if your pic is there for some reason my browser wont read it.

But really it depends on the color of your skin and hair for what colors you can play with. My eyes are hazel as well and I always wear black liner and mascara and my shadows depend on what I am doing. My hair is a mix of dark and light browns and I like my eyes to pop out as much as possible.

Maybe your mom can take you to the store and ask for samples or help they are always willing, a couple of years ago I paid like 50 bucks at MAC and they taught me how to apply and I got products for my money best cosmetic investment I have ever made!
People with brown/hazel eyes can get away with almost any color. Silver, brown, green, purple. And it depends on what kind of eyeliner you like. I like to mix black with blue sometimes. Other times I use just black, or brown. I own the pen, the liquid and the pencil, and use them all equally. There are different ways to apply it, too. Just google "different eyeliner styles." Some people do it thick on top and bottom, some only top, some just the bottom, some do the top then only half the bottom, etc. It's sort of hard to suggest anything specific since I can't see you, sorry.

You can do pigtails, a braid or two (it's possible, my friend who has shorter hair has had hers done), you can wear headbands, sideponytails, or high ponytails and clips, ribbons, headbands, etc. You can even braid the bands and pull them back and use a rubber band to put them together. Or you can do a topsy turvey ponytail! It's one of my favorites.

You can do so much. Just sit in front of a mirror and try some things! GL!
Almay has eye shadows for particular eye colors. Usually 4 colors, I think. Take a look at the one for hazel eyes and that might give you some ideas.
it's all about what YOU like..i'd say go to mac and have a a one on one with a makeup artist ..they can tell u what colors may look best with your skin tone and eye color a makeup artist myself i wouldn't go by some ppl say what your "season" is..the four seasons are broken up into diff categories...Season Color Analysis | Spring Summer Autumn Winter
but some ppl say to hell with what your "supposed" to look good in..if you want a good all around color that you can use with almost any outfit go look at motif at mac its a great color and almost everyone i know diff eye colors diff hair color etc loves ..
what I'd recommend tho is to get a color palette with a bunch of colors that u can experiment with and see what u is a link Coastal Scents: Makeup Palettes ebay has them for pretty cheap I bought one for when I do makeup and it's awesome! hope that helps with the make up dept
All of you: Please start speaking English. I'm trying to learn here.... oh wait, I better get out of here.
you can also go to the mall and get free makeovers...strike up a conversation with the make up artist and find out that way. each person might use different colors so it may give you ideas.
you can also go to the mall and get free makeovers...strike up a conversation with the make up artist and find out that way. each person might use different colors so it may give you ideas.

ah that might be a good idea. i did have my makeup done like one time at the mall. but i never really asked what colors i could've used. I tried different colors on my eyes, but i didn't really like how they looked on me.
u can get eye makeup done for free at MAC just tip the make up artist after
Wirelessly posted

I have been told winter is my season. I do wear color that look good on me like Alicia says, its all about what looks good one you. I like to wear purple and pinks a lot. I do like natural brown tones people have compliamented that it brings out my eyes(brown).
I love purple with my hazel eyes. I also like using pink and silver for an over the top glam/goth look. I like using purple lipstick though I'll use red from time to time.

I remember I tried on orange clothes and I was like forget it, I'm not wearing that again. :P

I'm skeptical of your seasonal coloring though because I had auburn hair in the past so some would say I'm an autumn but I look awful in beige.

As I got older my hair went peppery (very dark brown with gray). My hair was blond when I was little and then went from blond to auburn to dark brown then salt n pepper. It's mostly gray now when it's not dyed. I don't think lightening my hair would work with me and I think I'd look washed out.
Oh, what do you consider when doing seasons? It was my mother who did my colors.
go into a well lit place and wear white preferably and look into a mirror and drap diff colors, pastels, browns, blacks, neons etc color match to what colors go with what season for ex im winter so neon pinks, silver, black etc looks good on me..but i can also wear browns as well.

for ur hair just put a white towel on and hide ur hair so u cant see it..if a color makes u look washed out from some a particular season then those colors don't work for u...if ur eyes stand out and a set of colors brighten up your complexion more and bring out your featurs then thats your season:) hope thats not too confusing
I think I understand. I think I'll try out your suggestations and try two green shades with a white towel around my head. I look good in olive green but I'm certain I'd look even better in emerald green. BTW, I've never worn emerald green. I already know that I tend to avoid most gold tones in clothes and pastels won't do anything for me either.
i bed you are a winter...i noticed u said you look good in pink and silver i wear the same combo:p and im a winter..but remember not every season HAS to stick with their "colors" cuz i can wear brown..even tho my teacher last year insisted i couldn't wear it
Yeah, I dont alway stick to my color. I wear greens from the autumn palate and some reds if they're not too rusty. Hot pink is a favorite for me to wear. I jsut made a hot pink bracelet yesterday to brighten up my outfits.